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  • Suicidal thoughts | The Hope Project

    Suicidal thoughts If you are having thoughts of suicide you're not alone. They can be scary and they can give you many other unwanted feelings and thoughts. Remember you don't have to act on these thoughts. You are so loved and worth so much. There is help Available. Symptomer på Selvmordstanker Getting help for suicidal thoughts Talking to someone about how you are feeling can help. Once you start talking it gets better. You can talk to a family, friend, teacher, anyone who you trust. Go to your doctor. They can get different resources for you and run tests to find out what's going on. Book an appointment to see a therapist. If you feel you cant keep yourself safe you can call the police or ambulance or you can go to your nearest hospital. I know it can be frightening to do this but these people want to help you and you're NOT wasting anyone's time. Everyone needs help from time to time. Call a helpline. ​ If you or someone you know is in crisis or having a medical emergency call your country's emergency number 999, 112, 911, 000 Helplines IE - Call 1800 247 247, or text HELLO to 50808 UK - Call 116 123 or text HELLO to 85258 USA - Call 988 or text HOME to 741 741 more resources and helplines here Making a safety plan can really help when the thoughts get too much. It can distract and ground you. It also helps to remind you of the good things in life. ​ You can download this safety plan template and create your own. When you feel unsafe you can read the safety plan and follow and safety tips and distractions you have. If the safety plan doesn't help its time to call an ambulance or go to hospital. ​ Mental health is just as important as physical health. Its worth getting help for. If someone you know is thinking of suicide the best thing you can do is listen and not judge. It can be hard to hear that someone you love is feeling like this but there is options for you too if you're upset or overwhelmed. Remember if you feel that you need to get them help by teling someone else thats okay. They might not understand or be upset but their safety matters.

  • Mental Health | Thehopeproject

    Welcome to HOPE HOPE - Hold On, Pain Ends About Us Not all Storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.... Quote of the month Information Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Self Harm Panic Attacks Suicidal thoughts Your Stories "I've been suffering from mental health issues for about 3 years and been struggling with self harm & suicidal thoughts for most of that time. one day last year i had just had enough and i’d completely given up & lost hope that anything would get better, that night i made an attempt on my life which then landed me in hospital requiring treatment. for anyone considering taking their lives please give life another shot, i know things are unimaginably tough for you right now but things can improve with time and the right help. you matter, you’re strong and the world is a better place with you in it. keep fighting <3" Read More

  • Depression | The Hope Project

    Depression Depression is more than an unhappy feeling for feeling fed up for a few days its much more than that. Everyone can feel sad from time to time but depression is constant and doesn't go away easily and someone might not know why they are depressed. Its not a sign of weakness or something you can just snap out of. ​ With the right treatment Some with depression can make a full recovery. Symptoms continuous low mood or sadness feeling hopeless and helpless having low self-esteem feeling tearful feeling worthless or guilt-ridden feeling irritable and intolerant of others having no motivation or interest in things finding it difficult to make decisions not getting any enjoyment out of life irritable mood feeling anxious or worried having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself. moving or speaking slower than usual changes in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased) constipation unexplained aches and pains lack of energy low sex drive (loss of libido) changes to your menstrual cycle disturbed sleep – difficulty falling asleep, waking up early or sleeping more than usual not doing well at work avoiding contact with friends and taking part in fewer social activities neglecting your hobbies and interests having difficulties in your home and family life. If you or someone you know is unsafe or having a medical emergency call your country's emergency number - 999, 911, 112, 111. ​ For more information and resources go to our helpline page. ​ Remember there will always be someone there to listen. ​ View More Information on this page is from the HSE and NHS website. Causes bereavement divorce illness redundancy job or money worries Biological - Biological theories of depression place blame on the brain and the malfunctioning of some of the chemicals that comprise it. Psychological - The psychological theories of depression focus mostly on the experience of loss. Stressful events Personality Family history Giving birth Loneliness Alcohol and drugs Illness Read more Treatment for depression can involve a combination of: self-help talking therapies medicines Exercise Exercise can help depression and it's one of the main treatments for mild depression. Antidepressants Antidepressants are tablets that treat the symptoms of depression. There are almost 30 different types of antidepressant. Your doctor will prescribe these. Combination therapy Your GP may recommend that you take a course of antidepressants plus talking therapy. For moderate to severe depression, an antidepressant and CBT usually works better than one treatment. Mental health teams You may be referred to a mental health team. They could include psychologists, psychiatrists, specialist nurses and occupational therapists. These teams often provide intensive specialist talking treatments as well as prescribed medication. Talking treatments Your doctor may refer you to talking therapy for moderate to severe depression. Read more

  • ADHD | The Hope Project

    ADHD - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural disorder that impacts people. Individuals with ADHD may appear restless, have difficulty concentrating, and may act on impulse. ADHD symptoms are often seen at a young age and may become more obvious as a child's surroundings change, such as starting school. The majority of instances are diagnosed while children are under the age of 12, however it can be diagnosed later in life. ADHD is sometimes misdiagnosed as a youngster and only discovered as an adult. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the brain's ability to control attention, impulses, and behavior. People with ADHD may have difficulty focusing on tasks, organizing themselves, and completing tasks. They may also be hyperactive and impulsive, finding it difficult to sit still or control their actions. ADHD can affect people of all ages, and while it is more common in children, it can also affect adults. The exact cause of ADHD is not known, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There is no cure for ADHD, but it can be managed with medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. With the right treatment, people with ADHD can lead fulfilling and successful lives. Other issues, including as sleep and anxiety difficulties, may occur in people with ADHD. ​ Parents of ADHD children Caring for a child with ADHD can be difficult, but it's vital to realise that they can't control their behaviour. Certain daily activities may be more challenging for you and your kid, such as: how to persuade your child to sleep at night getting ready for school on time, listening to and following directions, being organised for social events, and shopping. ​ Adults with ADHD Adults with ADHD may find they have problems with: organisation and time management following instructions focusing and completing tasks coping with stress feeling restless or impatient impulsiveness and risk taking Some adults may also have issues with relationships or social interaction. ​ Children with ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can pose challenges for children in various aspects of life, including school, social interactions, and self-regulation. Here are some common symptoms of ADHD in children: Inattention: Children with ADHD may have difficulty paying attention, following instructions, and completing tasks. They may also struggle to organize and prioritize their activities and often appear forgetful or absent-minded. Hyperactivity: Children with ADHD may exhibit excessive restlessness and fidgeting, often appearing as if they are constantly on the go. They may have difficulty sitting still, waiting their turn, or playing quietly. Impulsivity: Children with ADHD may act without thinking and have difficulty controlling their impulses. They may interrupt others, blurt out answers, and have difficulty waiting their turn. Forgetfulness: Children with ADHD may forget to do tasks or may lose things frequently. Difficulty with Executive Functioning: This includes difficulty with starting tasks, planning, organizing, and completing tasks. It is essential to note that every child with ADHD may exhibit a different combination of symptoms, and these symptoms may vary in severity. If you suspect that your child may have ADHD, it is recommended to seek professional evaluation and treatment. However, there are several strategies that can help children cope with ADHD: Establish a Routine: Children with ADHD tend to benefit from having a structured routine, as it can help them manage their time and stay focused. Set a regular schedule for daily activities, including waking up, meals, homework, and bedtime. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Breaking larger tasks into smaller steps can make them more manageable for children with ADHD. This can help reduce overwhelm and make it easier for them to focus on one task at a time. Use Visual Aids: Visual aids such as pictures, charts, or calendars can help children with ADHD understand and remember tasks and responsibilities. For instance, you can use a whiteboard to list daily tasks or a color-coded calendar to help them keep track of important dates. Provide Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement can encourage good behavior and help children with ADHD stay motivated. Praise and reward their efforts, such as completing a task, staying focused, or following instructions. Encourage Physical Activity: Physical activity can help reduce hyperactivity and improve focus in children with ADHD. Encourage your child to engage in regular physical activities, such as sports, dancing, or yoga. Seek Professional Help: ADHD is a medical condition that requires professional diagnosis and treatment. Seek help from a qualified healthcare professional, such as a pediatrician, psychologist, or psychiatrist, who can provide appropriate treatment options, including medication, therapy, or a combination of both. Support and Empathize: Support your child and show empathy for their struggles. Children with ADHD may experience frustration, anxiety, or low self-esteem. Show them that you understand their challenges and are there to help them cope and succeed. Strategies for coping There are several strategies and techniques that can be helpful for managing ADHD symptoms. Here are some tips: Seek a professional diagnosis: If you suspect you have ADHD, it's important to get a professional diagnosis from a healthcare provider. This can help you understand your symptoms and develop a treatment plan that's tailored to your needs. Medication: Medication can be an effective treatment for ADHD. There are several types of medication available that can help improve concentration, focus, and impulse control. However, it's important to work with a healthcare provider to find the right medication and dosage for you. Behavioral therapy: Behavioral therapy can help you learn coping strategies and develop new habits to manage your symptoms. This can include techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and organizational skills training. Exercise: Regular exercise can help improve concentration and reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity. It can also help reduce stress and improve mood. Sleep hygiene: Getting enough sleep is important for managing ADHD symptoms. Establishing a consistent sleep routine and avoiding stimulating activities before bedtime can help improve sleep quality. Organization: Establishing routines and systems for organizing your home, workspace, and schedule can help reduce distractions and improve productivity. Support: Finding a support group or talking with friends and family can provide emotional support and help you feel less isolated. Remember, everyone with ADHD is different, so it's important to find strategies that work for you. A combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes may be necessary for optimal management of ADHD symptoms More resources Support Ireland: HADD Ireland provides information, support, and advocacy for individuals and families affected by ADHD. Shine offers support for people with ADHD as well as other mental health conditions. UK: ADHD Foundation provides support, advice, and training for people with ADHD, their families, and professionals. ADDISS (The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service) provides information and resources about ADHD. America: CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) offers education, advocacy, and support for individuals with ADHD and their families. The Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) provides support, information, and resources for individuals with ADHD. Canada: CADDAC (Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada) provides information, support, and advocacy for individuals with ADHD and their families. ADHD Canada provides information and resources about ADHD, including support groups and workshops.

  • Abuse and getting help | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Abuse and getting help If you or some you know is experiencing abuse or has in the past there is help available. You're not alone. Domestic abuse Domestic abuse and coercive control is a persistent and deliberate pattern of behaviour by an abuser over a prolonged period of time designed to achieve obedience and create fear. It may include coercion, threats, stalking, intimidation, isolation, degradation and control. It may also include physical and/or sexual violence. ​ Domestic abuse and coercive control are all about making a persons world smaller – trapping them, restricting them independence and freedom. A controlling partner may shut out their friends and family, control their movements, micro-manage what she eats or wears, restrict their access to money – all the time chipping away at their confidence and destroying their self-respect. It is not their imagination. It is not their fault. It is not acceptable. Les mer Getting help If you’re trying to decide whether to stay or leave, you may be feeling confused, uncertain, frightened, and torn. Maybe you’re still hoping that your situation will change or you’re afraid of how your partner will react if he discovers that you’re trying to leave. One moment, you may desperately want to get away, and the next, you may want to hang on to the relationship. Maybe you even blame yourself for the abuse or feel weak and embarrassed because you’ve stuck around in spite of it. Don’t be trapped by confusion, guilt, or self-blame. The only thing that matters is your safety. If you are being abused, remember: You are not to blame for being battered or mistreated. You are not the cause of your partner’s abusive behavior. You deserve to be treated with respect. You deserve a safe and happy life. Your children deserve a safe and happy life. You are not alone. There are people waiting to help. There are supports available to help keep you safe. Your GP can help by referring you to appropriate supports and services in your local area. If you are in immediate danger, contact the Gardaí or call 999. You can also contact the Women’s Aid national helpline on 1800 341 900. Your local Citizens Information Centre can give you advice on your rights. They will also tell you about the supports and services available in your local area. Sexual assault or rape If you need to talk to someone in confidence about sexual assault or rape, the Rape Crisis Centre (1800 77 88 88 ) can help. Domestic violence Women’s Aid can help you if you are experiencing domestic violence. They give advice on how you can help yourself and others. You can also contact them 24 hours-a-day on 1800 341 900 . Men's Aid Ireland is a service for men who are experiencing domestic violence. You can call them on 01 554 3811 or email . Child Abuse Child abuse can be categorised into four different types: neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. A child may be subjected to one or more forms of abuse at any given time. Abuse and neglect can occur within the family, in the community or in an institutional setting. The abuser may be someone known to the child or a stranger, and can be an adult, or another child. In a situation where abuse is alleged to have been carried out by another child, you should consider it a child welfare and protection issue for both children and you should follow child protection procedures for both the victim and the alleged abuser. The important factor in deciding whether the behaviour is abuse or neglect is the impact of that behaviour on the child rather than the intention of the parent/carer. Signs of Child Abuse Child abuse can be categorised into four different types: neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. A child may be subjected to one or more forms of abuse at any given time. Abuse and neglect can occur within the family, in the community or in an institutional setting. The abuser may be someone known to the child or a stranger, and can be an adult, or another child. In a situation where abuse is alleged to have been carried out by another child, you should consider it a child welfare and protection issue for both children and you should follow child protection procedures for both the victim and the alleged abuser. The important factor in deciding whether the behaviour is abuse or neglect is the impact of that behaviour on the child rather than the intention of the parent/carer. Få hjelp til barnemishandling Barn og unge Childline er en konfidensiell støttetjeneste for barn og unge. De tar imot telefoner om en lang rekke problemer, inkludert overgrep. Du kan kontakte dem 24 timer i døgnet på 1800 66 66 66 . Du kan også sende tekstmeldinger 'Snakk' til 50101 . ​ Du kan også kontakte tusla Resources in different countries Harassment It can take many forms such as: rude gestures touching following or watching damage to property and/or vehicles name calling and/or taunting phone calls and voicemails notes and/or letters emails and/or text messages rubbish being thrown on your property loud noise or music from neighbours Tweets, Facebook comments, YouTube videos; and other online posts ​ If you are a victim of harassment you may feel: That nobody is taking it seriously, and that something terrible will have to happen before you are really believed That you have no option but to move out of your neighbourhood or leave your workplace Afraid to answer your phone or look at your text messages Afraid to go away from your home in case damage is done while you are away Anxious any time you leave your home Worried about the effects on your children Afraid that if you report each incident the Police will think you are a nuisance or will not believe you Concerned that if you report the harassment, the situation may get worse. Harassment is an unwanted pattern of behaviour that can leave you feeling intimidated, scared , irritert og/eller ydmyket. Les mer Hold en skriftlig oversikt over hver hendelse. Skriv ned tid og sted for hendelsen, med så mange detaljer som mulig, og noter ned enhver person som så hva som skjedde og som kan være vitne i ethvert tilfelle. straffesak. Rapporter forbrytelsen til Gardaí. Trakassering er en forbrytelse. Det er viktig at du rapporterer det og at du gir en uttalelse til Gardaí om hva som skjer. Hver hendelse bør rapporteres til Gardaí. Hvis en hendelse er serious, bør den rapporteres umiddelbart til Gardaí. Vurder mekling. Spesielt hvis det er trakassering i nabolaget ditt, kan denne ikke-konfronterende tilnærmingen gi det beste resultatet for deg. Mekling er en konfidensiell tjeneste som tilbyr en alternativ metode for parter som er involvert i en tvist for å løse sine problemer og oppnå en avtale som er akseptabel for begge sider. Imidlertid er mekling ikke alltid mulig or advisable i noen situasjoner. Hvis du tror mekling kan være et alternativ for din situasjon, vennligst kontakt Crime Victims Helpline for mer informasjon. Ta vare på alle tekster, taleposter, e-poster eller skjermbilder av kommentarer på sosiale medier, da de vil være nyttige i enhver etterforskning som kan finne sted. Ta kontakt med leverandøren av telefontjenester for råd hvis trakassering skjer via telefon. Hver leverandør har en policy for å håndtere problemet. Det kan være mulig å blokkere uønsket innkommende kommunikasjon. Hvis trakasseringen er via sosiale medier, kan du rapportere det til den aktuelle sosiale medieorganisasjonen. Det er mulig å blokkere en person fra å ta kontakt med deg på de fleste sosiale medier. Vurder å installere en kameraenhet på eiendommen din for å bevise trakassering, og som en avskrekkende. Lavpriskameraer er nå tilgjengelige. Unngå å bli trukket inn i en tvist. Ikke rop tilbake eller gjengjeld. Hvis du gjør det, er det mindre sannsynlig at en sak vil føre frem mot den som plager deg. Hvis trakasseringen skjer i et offentlig boligområde, sørg for at du melder fra til fylkes- eller bystyret. Hvis trakasseringen finner sted in your workplace_cc781905-5cde-35c1905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_workplace_cc781905-5cde-35c-1905-your workplace_cc781905-5cde-31934-bb. Snakk om følelsene dine med noen du kan stole på – et familiemedlem, en venn, en kollega. Å gå gjennom denne opplevelsen er veldig vanskelig, og det er viktig å ha support. Spør om sikkerhetstiltak som kan tas for å forhindre trakassering. Du kan søke råd fra a Garda kriminalitetsforebyggende offiser._cc781905-51905-5cde-badrcd3, lokale stasjon. For mer informasjon om hva du kan gjøre, eller hvis du ønsker å diskutere din erfaring som et offer for trakassering, kan du kontakte Crime Victims Helpline gratis på 116 006. Hva du kan gjøre hvis du blir trakassert Mer informasjon Hvis du trenger mer informasjon eller fra Storbritannia her er noen lenker som kan hjelpe. ​ Garda offertjenester Politiets støttetjenester i Storbritannia ​ Overgrep i hjemmet Storbritannia kvinnehjelp uk Tilflukt Husk UK Rådgivningslinje for menn støttelinje Storbritannia Innbyggerinformasjon Storbritannia Politiet i Storbritannia Barnelinje uk Håper prosjektressurser og informasjon

  • Panic attacks | The Hope Project

    Panic Attacks A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause. Panic attacks can be very frightening. When panic attacks occur, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack or even dying. ​ While they are frightening they are not dangerous. There are things you can to to feel calmer and more in control. Puster Hvis du puster raskt under et panikkanfall, kan å gjøre en pusteøvelse lette de andre symptomene dine. Prøv dette: Pust inn så sakte, dypt og forsiktig du kan, gjennom nesen. Pust sakte, dypt og forsiktig ut gjennom munnen. Noen mennesker synes det er nyttig å telle jevnt fra én til fem på hvert inn- og utpust. Lukk øynene og fokuser på pusten. 5,4,3,2,1 teknikk Hvis du har et panikkanfall, kan jordingsteknikken 5,4,3,2,1 være veldig nyttig. Slik er det: Nevn 5 ting du kan se, Nevn 4 ting du kan føle, Nevn 3 ting du kan høre, Nevn 2 ting du kan lukte, Nevn 1 ting du kan smake. Denne teknikken er for å jorde deg og hjelpe deg med å fokusere. ​ Det vi prøver å gjøre er å jorde deg og få deg til å føle deg mer i kontroll for å takle bedre. ​ Noen ganger kan det virkelig hjelpe å ha noe i hendene mens du gjør disse teknikkene. For eksempel å holde isbiter eller leke med en fidget-leke. ​ ​ Det er også noen apper du kan laste ned som kan hjelpe deg å roe deg ned. Rootd Breathwrk Klar frykt Headspace Daylio journal Woebot Noen mennesker liker å gjøre aktiviteter for å fokusere tankene på noe annet. For eksempel: Tegning Fargelegging Ripper papir Se en film Lytt til musikk veldig høyt Går en tur Leker/tilbringer tid med et kjæledyr. Ringer en venn ​ Det kan være hva som helst, hvis det hjelper deg er det det som betyr noe. ​ Å lage en liten plan for hva du kan gjøre når du kjenner at et panikkanfall kommer eller når du har et kan være nyttig. En liten liste over ting du kan gjøre i det øyeblikket kan hjelpe deg. ​ Hjelpe noen som har et panikkanfall. Det kan være skummelt når noen du kjenner får et panikkanfall, men det er noen enkle ting du kan gjøre for å hjelpe dem: Hold deg rolig , hold stemmen din rolig og ikke snakk om eller fokuser på hva som skjer med dem under et panikkanfall. Minn dem på at de er trygge og at det snart er over. Spør dem om de trenger noe . Noen som har et panikkanfall er kanskje ikke alltid i stand til å fortelle deg hva de trenger, men å spørre kan hjelpe å minne dem om at de ikke er alene. Hjelp dem å puste. Prøv å telle høyt mens du puster inn i 5 sekunder og ut i 5 sekunder. Støtt etterpå, ta dem med et rolig sted for å roe seg ned og få dem litt vann hvis de trenger det.

  • Contact | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Kontakt meg Irland The Hope Project is here to provide support to those struggling with mental health issues. We are available to listen to anyone. For those who want to vent, talk about anything, write about their day or anything else, they can message us and we'll be there to listen. We understand how hard it can be to talk about mental health issues, and we are here for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Navn E-post Emne Beskjed Sende inn

  • Your story's | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Your stories Welcome, this part of the hope project is called "your stories". Here you can submit your own story anonymously and if you choose it will be posted here. You can write about anything from your mental health struggles and feelings, bullying, school stress, something traumatic that happened to you etc. This is a way to talk about something that you are too scared to tell anyone. You can also read other peoples story's because maybe you will relate and wont feel so alone. Whatever your story is we are here to listen and it matters. Please press the link to be taken to where you can submit your story. Se mer Jeg har lidd av psykiske problemer i omtrent 3 år og slitt med selvskading og selvmordstanker mesteparten av den tiden. en dag i fjor hadde jeg akkurat fått nok, og jeg hadde helt gitt opp og mistet håpet om at noe skulle bli bedre, den kvelden gjorde jeg et forsøk på livet mitt som deretter havnet på sykehus med behov for behandling. For alle som vurderer å ta livet sitt, gi livet en sjanse til, jeg vet at ting er ufattelig tøft for deg akkurat nå, men ting kan bli bedre med tiden og riktig hjelp. du betyr noe, du er sterk og verden er et bedre sted med deg i den. fortsett å kjempe <3 Jeg har slitt med mental helse i årevis, det har vært det vanskeligste jeg har måttet gjennomgå fordi jeg følte meg så alene selv når folk prøvde å hjelpe meg. Jeg føler at jeg har mistet meg selv fullstendig det siste året, og jeg er deprimert og engstelig hele tiden, eller jeg føler meg følelsesløs og det er enda verre. Jeg har hatt mange selvmordsforsøk, og jeg har også vært innlagt på sykehus. Jeg har støtte fra familie og venner, og så mye de prøver kan de ikke hjelpe. Selvmordstankene mine ble så mye sterkere og å fortsette hver dag føles som om jeg løper et maraton. Det blir bedre, det er bare vanskelig. Jeg vet at jeg kommer til å bli glad en dag, det er bare så vanskelig å vente på det. Hvis du sliter, fortsett å fly xxx Anchor 1 Hei, dette er min historie. Som barn hadde jeg vanskelig for å vokse opp, jeg ble fortalt at jeg ikke kunne gjøre mange ting, og de trodde aldri jeg kunne. Jeg har ryggmargsbrokk. Ryggmargsbrokk er en diagnose stilt av leger mens du var i livmoren eller så snart du ble født eller det sa de da jeg var barn, men nå kan du bli diagnostisert senere i livet. Jeg ble diagnostisert da jeg fylte to, de fortalte moren min at det ikke var noe galt med meg, men det var det. Det har vært vanskelig å vokse opp gjennom å bli dømt offentlig til å bli mobbet på skolen til å bli behandlet helt annerledes, og det er ikke rettferdig. Folk anser meg som heldig fordi det er andre som har det mye verre enn meg, og det vet jeg. Jeg anses som heldig sammenlignet med dem fordi jeg er i stand til å gå, jeg er i stand til å leve livet mitt og jeg er veldig mett for det. Vi skal ikke behandles annerledes. Siden jeg fortsatt går på ungdomsskolen er kampen ikke over ennå, men du må fortsette. Jeg skal nå gullet under regnbuen 🌈 Det er min historie De siste 3 eller 4 årene har jeg jobbet med dårlig mental helse, jeg har gått til forskjellige organisasjoner for terapi. Jeg slet med selvmordstanker og ville vurdere å handle på dem på daglig basis. Jeg ville skade meg selv, og det var dager hvor jeg ikke ønsket å gjøre annet enn å ligge i sengen borte fra verden. Men etter en stund med terapi, for å forstå hvordan jeg følte, ble jeg bedre. Sprekker kan ikke gro helt, men jeg vet at jeg er mye lykkeligere enn før, alt fordi jeg håpet og jobbet hardt for å være der jeg er i dag. Det er lys i enden av en tunnel, og når du innser at du ikke er alene, er det ditt første skritt i riktig retning. Jeg har prøvd å avslutte livet 7 ganger, sist gang jeg var på sykehus en god stund. Jeg tenker fortsatt på å gjøre det igjen, men så husker jeg alle menneskene jeg ville etterlatt, og jeg kan ikke gjøre det mot dem. Folk sier det vil bli bedre, men jeg vet at det vil ta mye tid å komme dit, men jeg vet at jeg kan gjøre dette. DU HAR DETTE JEG TROR PÅ DEG! Jeg har slitt med min psykiske helse siden jeg var 12 år, er nå snart 30 og har en diagnoseliste. Akkurat nå er hvert sekund av hver dag en kamp. men jeg vet at jeg har overlevd 18 år med dette, så å gi opp nå ville kastet alt dette. Jeg vil bare at det skal bli bedre. Jeg er lei av å kjempe. Jeg har hatt perioder med lykke, så jeg vet at det kommer tilbake En dag, men det er så vanskelig å fokusere på det når ting blir så mørkt. historien min begynte da jeg var 10 år gammel da jeg ble seksuelt misbrukt av en av mine brødre venner, det skjedde ved flere anledninger og traff meg egentlig ikke før jeg var 14 eller 15. Jeg begynte å bli veldig engstelig og på kanten også som lider av depressive episoder. i løpet av den tiden begynte jeg å skade meg selv som en måte å takle det på. det var da jeg var 16 da jeg begynte å oppleve selvmordstanker som konsumerte tankene mine hele tiden. Jeg er for tiden 17 og kjemper fortsatt med tankene mine, selvmordstanker og tanken på tilbakefall. Jeg håper til alle som leser dette at du har det bra og at du holder deg sterk. du er så verdsatt. du er så verdig. og jeg elsker deg så mye det er min historie x I recently lost my uncle to cancer and it fully destroyed me, i ended up shutting myself away and turning to self harm as i couldn't even start to explain the feelings in me. But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel even when its beyond hard to find, but throughout it ive learnt theres always going to be someone there to help you and get you back on the right track x "I’ve been struggling my whole life with my mental health I grew up with drug addicted parents and the trauma and pain from that really broke me I found one of my parents almost dead one day but I never really understood half of it tell I got older it only got worse when I started secondary school I spiralled into a bad depression I started self harming and developing my own mental issues on top of the trauma I grew up with the pain I felt inside broke me racing sad thoughts 24 hours of the day and I jsut couldn’t think about anything else I tried loads of things to help me but nothing stopped I had restless nights and a chest filled with axienty all the times I was sent to camhs and told them all of my story and I was told I was looking for attention at that point I felt so alone that I was nearing a attempt on my life i tried peita house they where good but it Only helped for a few hours to share my story but it dint change anything for me I was so tired of it all I left school stopped doing the things I loved and I felt so bad because most of the pain I was feeling was projected onto others with anger and I just wanted to scream my pain out but I jsut couldn’t in fear of being judged every day was a loop i simply thought nobody would care and when I came home every day or night I had nobody to turn to because my parents would be on drugs or asleep because they where taking drugs the night before. I grew up so quick because of all this I still struggle to this day but I’m getting better now the scars I have are just battle scars and it reminds me everyday that I’m strong because look what I got myself through makes me feel so proud of myself because I’ve been through the unthinkable sad life and I somehow pulled through -HOLD ON PAIN ENDS" Your Stories Do you want your story submitted anonymously on the page. Choose an Issue Write Your story here Send Thank you, You are very brave.

  • Shop | The Hope Project

    Hope Shop The Hope Project shop is not on the website yet, it is on etsy. Follow the link below to purchase. ​ Money made from the hope project shop will go towards website upgrades, Suicide prevention posters as so much more. SHOP

  • Bipolar disorder | The Hope Project

    Bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder Information, support and Tips on how to cope. What is Bipolar Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings between periods of mania and depression. People with bipolar disorder may experience intense highs, increased energy, and impulsivity during manic episodes, followed by periods of deep sadness, low energy, and hopelessness during depressive episodes. The mood shifts can significantly impact a person's daily life and functioning. Rapid cycling bipolar Bipolar with mixed features Bipolar with seasonal pattern ​ ​ Bipolar 1 Bipolar 2 Cyclothymia ​ Types Rapid cycling in bipolar disorder means experiencing four or more mood swings (manic, hypomanic, depressive, or mixed) in a year. It can make treatment more challenging and impact daily life, requiring adjustments to medications and therapy. Not everyone with bipolar disorder rapid cycles Rapid cycling Bipolar with mixed features Bipolar with mixed features means feeling both manic and depressed at the same time. This is sometimes called mixed bipolar state or mixed affective bipolar. Bipolar 1 Bipolar I is a mood disorder where individuals have at least one intense manic episode, characterized by elevated or irritable mood and increased energy. Depressive episodes may also occur, Cyclothymic Cyclothymic Disorder, or cyclothymia, is a milder form of bipolar disorder. It involves recurring periods of hypomanic symptoms (less severe than full-blown mania) and depressive symptoms that do not meet the criteria for a major depressive episode. Individuals with cyclothymia may experience mood swings, but the symptoms are less intense and do not typically interfere significantly with daily functioning. It's a chronic condition that lasts for at least two years (one year in children and adolescents). Cyclothymic Disorder is considered a subtype within the broader category of bipolar and related disorders. Cyclothymia can be a difficult diagnosis to receive. You may feel as though someone is saying your symptoms are 'not serious enough', but this isn't the case. Cyclothymia can seriously impact your life. And mental health is a spectrum that covers lots of different experiences. Bipolar with seasonal pattern Bipolar disorder with seasonal pattern means that mood swings (like feeling high or low) follow a seasonal cycle. For some, depression may happen more in winter, and mania or high energy may occur in spring or summer. Bipolar II is a mood disorder marked by cycles of depression and hypomania. Hypomania is a less severe form of mania, involving elevated mood and increased energy. Individuals with Bipolar II don't experience full-blown mania but still have significant mood shifts. Bipolar 2 Bipolar disorder with seasonal pattern means that mood swings (like feeling high or low) follow a seasonal cycle. For some, depression may happen more in winter, and mania or high energy may occur in spring or summer. Bipolar 2 You are not alone Learning to cope Dealing with bipolar disorder can be tough, especially without clear coping strategies. Finding effective ways to manage is Important for a better life. It's important to understand bipolar disorder personally, and professionals suggest these tips. While it might be challenging to find the right approach, staying open-minded and resilient can make a big difference. Monitor your mood You might find it helps to keep track of your moods over a period of time. You could try noting down mood patterns in a diary or on your phone. Understanding your triggers You might find it helps to understand what can trigger changes in your mood. Triggers are different for different people. Some examples include: Feeling overwhelmed or busy Stressful periods Significant life events, like weddings, having a child or losing a loved one Periods of change or uncertainty Lack of sleep Other physical or mental health issues Changes or problems with your treatment for bipolar disorder It can help to recognise these patterns. Then you can take action to avoid the trigger or minimise its impact. ​ Learn your warning signs You may start to notice a pattern to how you feel before an episode. This could be changes in your: Sleeping pattern Eating patterns or appetite Behaviour Being aware that you're about to have a change in mood can help you make sure that: You have support systems in place You can focus on looking after yourself You're able to share warning signs with family and friends who can help you Stick to a routine Having a routine can help you feel calmer if your mood is high, motivated if your mood is low, and generally more stable. Your routine could include: Day-to-day activities, such as the time you eat meals and go to sleep. Making time for relaxation , mindfulness , hobbies and social plans. Taking any medication at the same time each day. This can also help you manage side effects and make sure there's a consistent level in your system. Mange stress Stress can trigger mood episodes . There are lots of things you can try which might help you to: Avoid stress Manage stress Look after yourself when you feel stressed ​ Look after your physical health Try to get enough sleep. Disturbed sleep can be both a trigger and a symptom of episodes. Getting enough sleep can help you keep your mood stable or shorten an episode. ​ Eat a healthy diet Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can help you feel well, think clearly and calm your mood. Exercise regularly Gentle exercise, like yoga or swimming, can help you relax and manage stress. Regular exercise can help by: Using up energy when you're feeling high Releasing endorphins – the 'feel-good' chemicals in the brain – when you're feeling low ​ Build a support network Building a support network could help to manage your mood. This might include friends, family or other people in your life who you trust and can talk to. The kind of support they can offer includes: Being able to recognise signs that you may be experiencing a mood episode . Helping you look after yourself by keeping a routine or a healthy diet. Listening and offering their understanding. Helping you reflect on and remember what happened during a manic episode. Helping you plan for a crisis . Try to tell those around you what you find helpful and what you don't find helpful. For example, you can agree together what things you'd like their help with and what you would like to manage by yourself. ​ Information from Bipolar UK Treatment Options Managing bipolar disorder involves reducing the intensity and frequency of depressive and manic episodes. Untreated episodes can endure for 3 to 6 months, with depressive episodes typically lasting between 6 to 12 months. With effective intervention, improvements are often noticeable within approximately 3 months. Various treatment approaches exist, including medications, psychological therapies, and lifestyle adjustments like dietary enhancements and better sleep habits. Your GP and psychiatrist will discuss these options with you, and many individuals with bipolar disorder can undergo treatment without requiring hospitalization. In severe cases or when governed by the Mental Health Act, hospitalization may be necessary due to the risk of self-harm or harm to others. A day hospital might be considered in certain situations, allowing for treatment during the day with the flexibility to return home at night. Therapy Options This may include: psychoeducation – to find out more about bipolar disorder cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) family therapy supportive psychotherapy (counselling) trauma informed psychotherapy Talking with a trained therapist is an important part of treatment for bipolar disorder. A therapist can help you deal with depression. They can also give you advice on how to improve relationships and address any unresolved trauma or emotional distress. Psychological treatment usually consists of around 16 sessions. Each session lasts an hour and takes place over a period of 6 to 9 months. Lifestyle Getting ​ regular exercise Planning activities you enjoy that give you a sense of achievement Improving your diet Getting more sleep You can get lifestyle advice from your psychologist or community mental health team. Learning to recognise triggers You can learn to recognise the warning signs of an episode of mania or depression. Someone close to you may be able to help you identify your early signs of relapse from your history. For example, a mental health professional, peer support worker, family member or friend. Wellness Recovery Action Plans (WRAP) are very useful. Your local community mental health team can advise you on how to develop this plan. This will not prevent the episode from happening, but it will allow you to get help in time. This may mean making some changes to your treatment. Your GP or specialist can talk to you about this. -HSE Support Support can mean talking with a friend, family member, teacher, GP or Mental health services. Don't suffer in silence there are people there to listen. ​ Bipolar UK St Patricks Mental health services Aware Ireland Ireland resources Other Countries Information from this website has come from the NHS, HSE and bipolar Uk.

  • Depression | The Hope Project

    Depression Depression is more than an unhappy feeling for feeling fed up for a few days its much more than that. Everyone can feel sad from time to time but depression is constant and doesn't go away easily and someone might not know why they are depressed. Its not a sign of weakness or something you can just snap out of. Psychological Symptoms Losing interest or pleasure in Hobbies. Continuous low mood, emptiness or sadness. Feeling hopeless and helpless. Having low self-esteem. Feeling worthless or guilty. Feeling irritable and intolerant of others. Having no motivation or interest in things. Struggling to find purpose in life Feeling anxious or worried. Having thoughts or behaviours surrounding suicide or self-harm. Difficulty concentrating or making decisions. Talk with someone you trust - Teacher, Family member, Counsellor, Friend, Helpline. Write about how you are feeling. [Journal, Writing on a piece of paper then destroying it]. Meditation Play an instrument Read a book. Learn something new. Set small goals for yourself such as brushing your teeth, putting dirty dishes in the dish washer, brushing your hair, having a shower, hanging out with friends, make your bed - whatever goal you accomplish is a step forward no matter how big or small. Exercise. Coping strategies Physical Symptoms Changes in appetite or weight Sleep disturbances Fatigue or loss of energy Headaches Digestive issues Chronic pain Causes Bereavement Divorce Illness Redundancy - Job or money worries The experience of loss Stressful events Personality Family history/genetics Giving birth Loneliness Alcohol and drugs Illness Read More Treatment Therapies - CBT, EMDR, Art Therapy, Music therapy, Talking therapy, Behavioural Therapy. Antidepressants. Going to hospital. Talk to your doctor to find the best treatment option for you. Read More Support Its okay to reach out for support, its the bravest thing you can do. You're not alone, there's lots of services there to help. Ireland Aware Ireland My Mind Turn2me Jigsaw Childline Barnardos Alone Online support Phone support Samaritans - Call 116123 Pieta house - Call 1800 247 247, Text HELP to 51444 Crisis text line - Text HELLO to 50808 View More UK Hub Of Hope Depression UK Kooth Childline UK The MIX NHS Online support Phone support Samaritans - Call 116123 SHOUT - Text SHOUT to 85258 SANEline - Call 0300 304 7000 Papyrus - 0800 068 4141 Call 111 or 999 in an Emergency View More USA Mental health America Warmline Online support Phone support Call or text 988 For other countries go to our resources and helplines page Resources

  • Blank Page | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Ansvarsfraskrivelse Hvis du trenger mer informasjon eller har spørsmål om nettstedets ansvarsfraskrivelse, kan du gjerne kontakte oss på e-post på . Vår ansvarsfraskrivelse ble generert ved hjelp av the Ansvarsfraskrivelse Generator . Ansvarsfraskrivelser for The Hope project All informasjon på denne nettsiden - - er publisert i god tro og kun til generell informasjon. Hope-prosjektet gir ingen garantier om fullstendigheten, påliteligheten og nøyaktigheten til denne informasjonen. Enhver handling du tar med informasjonen du finner på denne nettsiden (The Hope-prosjektet ), er strengt tatt på egen risiko. Hope-prosjektet vil ikke holdes ansvarlig for eventuelle tap og/eller skader i forbindelse med bruk av nettsiden vår. Fra nettstedet vårt kan du besøke andre nettsteder ved å følge hyperlenker til slike eksterne nettsteder. Selv om vi bestreber oss på kun å tilby kvalitetslenker til nyttige og etiske nettsteder, har vi ingen kontroll over innholdet og arten til disse nettstedene. Disse koblingene til andre nettsteder innebærer ikke en anbefaling for alt innholdet som finnes på disse nettstedene. Nettstedseiere og innhold kan endres uten varsel og kan forekomme før vi har mulighet til å fjerne en lenke som kan ha blitt "dårlig". Vær også oppmerksom på at når du forlater nettstedet vårt, kan andre nettsteder ha andre personvernregler og vilkår som er utenfor vår kontroll. Sørg for å sjekke personvernreglene for disse sidene samt deres "vilkår for bruk" før du engasjerer deg i noen virksomhet eller laster opp informasjon. Kommentar fra skaperen. Denne nettsiden er KUN til informasjon. Det er støttegrupper, men de overvåkes kontinuerlig. Hvis du er i krise eller trenger legehjelp, kontakt din fastlege, lokale legevakt eller 999. Jeg er ikke lisensiert eller kvalifisert til å gi psykisk helsestøtte i en krise eller nødsituasjon. Jeg er her for å lede folk til den beste tjenesten for dem, for informasjon eller spørsmål noen måtte ha. ​ Samtykke Ved å bruke nettstedet vårt samtykker du herved til vår ansvarsfraskrivelse og godtar vilkårene. Oppdater Skulle vi oppdatere, endre eller gjøre endringer i dette dokumentet, vil disse endringene bli lagt ut tydelig her. Ta kontakt

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