Depression is more than an unhappy feeling for feeling fed up for a few days its much more than that.
Everyone can feel sad from time to time but depression is constant and doesn't go away easily and someone might not know why they are depressed. Its not a sign of weakness or something you can just snap out of.
Psychological Symptoms
Losing interest or pleasure in Hobbies.
Continuous low mood, emptiness or sadness.
Feeling hopeless and helpless.
Having low self-esteem.
Feeling worthless or guilty.
Feeling irritable and intolerant of others.
Having no motivation or interest in things.
Struggling to find purpose in life
Feeling anxious or worried.
Having thoughts or behaviours surrounding suicide or self-harm.
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
Talk with someone you trust - Teacher, Family member, Counsellor, Friend, Helpline.
Write about how you are feeling. [Journal, Writing on a piece of paper then destroying it].
Play an instrument
Read a book.
Learn something new.
Set small goals for yourself such as brushing your teeth, putting dirty dishes in the dish washer, brushing your hair, having a shower, hanging out with friends, make your bed - whatever goal you accomplish is a step forward no matter how big or small.
Coping strategies
Physical Symptoms
Changes in appetite or weight
Sleep disturbances
Fatigue or loss of energy
Digestive issues
Chronic pain
Redundancy - Job or money worries
The experience of loss
Stressful events
Family history/genetics
Giving birth
Alcohol and drugs
Therapies - CBT, EMDR, Art Therapy, Music therapy, Talking therapy, Behavioural Therapy.
Going to hospital.
Talk to your doctor to find the best treatment option for you.
Its okay to reach out for support, its the bravest thing you can do. You're not alone, there's lots of services there to help.
Online support
Phone support
Samaritans - Call 116123
Pieta house - Call
1800 247 247,
Text HELP to 51444
Crisis text line - Text HELLO to 50808