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  • Self Harm | The Hope Project

    Self Harm Self harm is when a person causes physical pain to themselves. It can include cutting, biting, scratching, burning and many other ways. There can be many reasons that a person self harms for example they could be getting bullied, experiencing a loss, discrimination, stress, disability's etc. People can self harm as a release and its a way they cope with overwhelming emotional pain. It is a difficult issue to start talking about and not a lot of people understand why someone may self harm. Types of self-harm There are many different ways people can intentionally harm themselves, such as: cutting or burning their skin punching or hitting themselves poisoning themselves with tablets or toxic chemicals misusing alcohol or drugs deliberately starving themselves (anorexia nervosa) or binge eating (bulimia nervosa) excessively exercising People often try to keep self-harm a secret because of shame or fear of it being seen. They may cover up their skin and avoid discussing the problem. It's often up to close family and friends to notice when somebody is self-harming. They should approach the subject with care and understanding. It can also include behaviours that have some level of suicide intent, such as overdoses. How to support someone who self harms. Stay calm, you may feel angry or confused as to why someone you care about would self harm, but acting with anger can shut the conversation down and make that person feel worse and more alone. Self harm is a sign of serious emotional distress. you can ask open questions about their feelings. these can be as simple as "how are you feeling". Give them time to openly express their emotions and give them space and time to talk. Show that you care and be non- judgemental. Tell them about support services available and tell them they aren't alone. Be patient because it will take time for them to feel better and they might not understand yet why they feel the way they do. How to help yourself if you self harm You may feel like self harming is your only way to feel better or feel able to cope, but there are other ways. There are services out there made to help. Self harm is not your only option, you could call a helpline or text We do have a page where there are many supports -Resources and Helplines These services have trained professionals who want to help you. You are not alone you will get through this. You can also go to your GP for help. Distractions Paint or draw Keep a journal, writing down your feelings can help. Write a letter about how you are feeling and tear it up. Colour an entire blank page until its filled with colour. Listen to music Sing or play an instrument Call a friend or hotline helplines Play with or walk a pet Exercise Tear a piece of paper into hundreds of pieces Draw on yourself with red marker where you want to self harm Hold ice cubes. they can ground you and you can also add red food colouring Cook or Bake Clean or organise your room. say the alphabet backwards Play with fidget toys There are more distraction techniques on - There is no shame in asking for help, we all need some from time to time. Talk to a trusted adult like a teacher or parent, you can also talk to your friends. I got some of this information from the different sites already linked but I myself know how hard it is to struggle with self harm so you are not alone. with the right supports and motivation self harm can be something in your past. If you need any more information from The Hope Project ask on the "Lets Chat" button on the website or email and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. More information Information for parents

  • Your story's | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Your stories Welcome, this part of the hope project is called "your stories". Here you can submit your own story anonymously and if you choose it will be posted here. You can write about anything from your mental health struggles and feelings, bullying, school stress, something traumatic that happened to you etc. This is a way to talk about something that you are too scared to tell anyone. You can also read other peoples story's because maybe you will relate and wont feel so alone. Whatever your story is we are here to listen and it matters. Please press the link to be taken to where you can submit your story. View More He estado sufriendo problemas de salud mental durante aproximadamente 3 años y he estado luchando con autolesiones y pensamientos suicidas durante la mayor parte de ese tiempo. un día el año pasado tuve suficiente y me rendí por completo y perdí la esperanza de que algo mejorara, esa noche hice un atentado contra mi vida que luego me llevó al hospital que requiere tratamiento. para cualquiera que esté considerando quitarse la vida, por favor dele otra oportunidad a la vida, sé que las cosas son inimaginablemente difíciles para usted en este momento, pero las cosas pueden mejorar con el tiempo y la ayuda adecuada. tú importas, eres fuerte y el mundo es un lugar mejor contigo en él. sigue luchando <3 He luchado con la salud mental durante años, ha sido lo más difícil por lo que he tenido que pasar porque me sentía muy solo incluso cuando la gente trataba de ayudarme. Siento que me perdí por completo en el último año y estoy deprimido y ansioso todo el tiempo O simplemente me siento entumecido y eso es aún peor. He tenido muchos intentos de suicidio y también he estado hospitalizado. Tengo el apoyo de mi familia y amigos y por mucho que lo intentan no pueden ayudar. Mis pensamientos suicidas se hicieron mucho más fuertes y seguir adelante todos los días se siente como si estuviera corriendo un maratón. Está mejorando, es simplemente difícil. Sé que seré feliz algún día, es tan difícil esperar eso. Si estás luchando, no estás solo, sigue volando xxx Anchor 1 hola esta es mi historia De niño me costó mucho crecer, me decían que no podía hacer muchas cosas y ellos pensaban que nunca podría. Tengo espina bífida. La espina bífida es un diagnóstico que hacen los médicos mientras estás en el útero o tan pronto como naces, o eso decían cuando era niño, pero ahora te pueden diagnosticar más adelante en la vida. Me diagnosticaron cuando cumplí dos años, le decían a mi madre que no me pasaba nada, pero lo había. Ha sido difícil crecer, ser juzgado en público, ser intimidado en la escuela y ser tratado de manera totalmente diferente y no es justo. La gente me considera afortunada porque hay otras personas que lo pasan mucho peor que yo y lo sé. Me consideran afortunado en comparación con ellos porque puedo caminar, puedo vivir mi vida y estoy muy lleno de eso. No deberíamos ser tratados de manera diferente. Como todavía estoy en la escuela secundaria, la batalla aún no ha terminado, pero hay que seguir adelante. Voy a alcanzar el oro debajo del arcoíris 🌈 Esa es mi historia Los últimos 3 o 4 años he lidiado con problemas de salud mental, he ido a diferentes organizaciones para recibir terapia. Luché con pensamientos suicidas y consideraría actuar sobre ellos a diario. Me hacía daño a mí mismo y había días en los que no quería hacer nada más que quedarme en la cama lejos del mundo. Pero después de un tiempo de terapia, comprendí cómo me sentía y mejoré. Las grietas no pueden sanar por completo, pero sé que estoy mucho más feliz que antes porque esperaba y trabajé duro para estar donde estoy hoy. Hay luz al final de un túnel y una vez que te das cuenta de que no estás solo, ese es tu primer paso en la dirección correcta. I have tried to end my life 7 times, the last time I was in hospital for a good while. I still think about doing it again but then I remember all the people I would be leaving behind and I cant do that to them. People say it will get better but i know it will take a lot of time to get there but I know I can do this. YOU HAVE GOT THIS I BELIEVE IN YOU ! Los últimos 3 o 4 años he lidiado con problemas de salud mental, he ido a diferentes organizaciones para recibir terapia. Luché con pensamientos suicidas y consideraría actuar sobre ellos a diario. Me hacía daño a mí mismo y había días en los que no quería hacer nada más que quedarme en la cama lejos del mundo. Pero después de un tiempo de terapia, comprendí cómo me sentía y mejoré. Las grietas no pueden sanar por completo, pero sé que estoy mucho más feliz que antes porque esperaba y trabajé duro para estar donde estoy hoy. Hay luz al final de un túnel y una vez que te das cuenta de que no estás solo, ese es tu primer paso en la dirección correcta. mi historia comenzó cuando tenía 10 años cuando fui abusado sexualmente por uno de mis amigos hermanos, sucedió en múltiples ocasiones y realmente no me golpeó hasta que tenía 14 o 15 años. Comencé a sentirme muy ansioso y nervioso también como si sufriera episodios depresivos. durante ese tiempo, comencé a autolesionarme como una forma de sobrellevar la situación. Fue cuando tenía 16 años cuando comencé a experimentar pensamientos suicidas que consumían mi mente todo el tiempo. Actualmente tengo 17 años y todavía estoy luchando con mi mente, pensamientos suicidas y la idea de recaer. Espero que todos los que están leyendo esto estén bien y se mantengan fuertes. eres tan valorado. eres tan digno y te quiero mucho esa es mi historia x I recently lost my uncle to cancer and it fully destroyed me, i ended up shutting myself away and turning to self harm as i couldn't even start to explain the feelings in me. But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel even when its beyond hard to find, but throughout it ive learnt theres always going to be someone there to help you and get you back on the right track x "I’ve been struggling my whole life with my mental health I grew up with drug addicted parents and the trauma and pain from that really broke me I found one of my parents almost dead one day but I never really understood half of it tell I got older it only got worse when I started secondary school I spiralled into a bad depression I started self harming and developing my own mental issues on top of the trauma I grew up with the pain I felt inside broke me racing sad thoughts 24 hours of the day and I jsut couldn’t think about anything else I tried loads of things to help me but nothing stopped I had restless nights and a chest filled with axienty all the times I was sent to camhs and told them all of my story and I was told I was looking for attention at that point I felt so alone that I was nearing a attempt on my life i tried peita house they where good but it Only helped for a few hours to share my story but it dint change anything for me I was so tired of it all I left school stopped doing the things I loved and I felt so bad because most of the pain I was feeling was projected onto others with anger and I just wanted to scream my pain out but I jsut couldn’t in fear of being judged every day was a loop i simply thought nobody would care and when I came home every day or night I had nobody to turn to because my parents would be on drugs or asleep because they where taking drugs the night before. I grew up so quick because of all this I still struggle to this day but I’m getting better now the scars I have are just battle scars and it reminds me everyday that I’m strong because look what I got myself through makes me feel so proud of myself because I’ve been through the unthinkable sad life and I somehow pulled through -HOLD ON PAIN ENDS" Your Stories Do you want your story submitted anonymously on the page. Choose an Issue Write Your story here Send Thank you, You are very brave.

  • Contact | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Contáctame Irlanda The Hope Project is here to provide support to those struggling with mental health issues. We are available to listen to anyone. For those who want to vent, talk about anything, write about their day or anything else, they can message us and we'll be there to listen. We understand how hard it can be to talk about mental health issues, and we are here for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Nombre Correo electrónico Tema Mensaje Enviar

  • Forum | The Hope Project

    Para ver esto en acción, dirígete a tu sitio ya publicado. Categorías Todas las entradas Mis entradas Self Help Forum Explore the forum to find answers to all of your questions and connect with users just like yourself. Crear nueva entrada Self Help Forum Seguir Vistas Entradas 0 Explore the forum to find answers to all of your questions. Add or edit a post to get the conversation started. Mental health Seguir Vistas Entradas 0 If you are struggling right now you are welcome to the Hope project ❤️ Forum - Frameless

  • LGBTQ support and information | The Hope Project

    LGBTQ + support There is lots of support and information for the lgbtq community on . If you're struggling with coming out to feeling lost or overwhelmed they have amazing support and advice. if you would like support and information for another country please go to our resources and helplines page

  • Mental Health | Thehopeproject

    Welcome to The Hope Project. We raise awareness on mental health and suicide. This is a safe place. You are not alone and if you're struggling right now it will get better. You are worth so much. ​ Some days can be hard but you don't need to face those hard days alone. There will always be someone there to listen. Information Self harm Abuse and getting help Eating disorders Suicidal Thoughts Anxiety There is always someone there to listen. you are not alone. Resources and helplines

  • Shop | The Hope Project

    Shop At the moment you can only buy items on etsy. Hopefully soon we will have our own shop running on the website. The money from the items we sell will go back into the hope project to raise more awareness and help more people. SHOP

  • Radio interview | The Hope Project

    Note Press here to listen Radio interview On the 3rd of November at 10:30 I was interviewed on WLRFM by Damien Tiernan about the hope project and mental health. I am so grateful I was able to talk about this. It was an amazing experience. The hope project is a safe place for anyone who may be struggling. Remember you're not alone and there is always someone there to listen.

  • Resources and helplines | The Hope Project

    Resources and helplines We all need help sometimes and there's nothing wrong with asking for help. Don't suffer in silence, there will always be someone there to listen. ​ If you cant find resources in your country or you need more information please email . Ireland Childline , Call or text. Talk about anything ,for ages up to 18 - Call 1800 666666, Text 50101 Crisis text line, Text HELLO to 50808. Pieta , Call 1800 247 247, or text HELP to 51444. suicide and self harm Samaritans , Call 116 123 or email. You can talk about anything ​ LGBT Ireland , Support and information Body whys , Eating disorder support and information- Jigsaw , Mental health support ​ ​​ In an emergency call 999 Gardi - Eating Disorders Centre 1-888-236-1188 National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders 1-847-831-3438 ​ ABUSE National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) Stop it Now! 1-888-PREVENT National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD (422-4453) Exploitation of Children 1-800-843-5678 LGBTQIA+ Helpline: 1-800-398-GAYS Gay and Lesbian National Hotline 1-888-843-4564 Trevor Hotline (Suicide) 1-866-4-U-TREVOR ​ SUICIDE Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-827-7571 Deaf Hotline 1-800-799-4TTY Crisis Text Line - Text HOME to741741 USA Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor. Lifeline – 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP). Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO). Healthline – 0800 611 116 Samaritans – 0800 726 666 Youthline – 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email or online chat. – or email or free text 5626. What's Up – 0800 942 8787 (for 5–18 year olds). New Zealand Access: expatriates' support Tel: 0900 2 222 377 Website Children's helpline (14:00-20:00)Tel: 0800 0432 Website Victim Support Tel: 0900 0101 Website Suicide Crisis helpline Tel: 0900 0767 Website Alcoholics Anonymous Tel: 020 625 6057 Website Report Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Tel: 0800 2000 (free call) Website Emergency number 112 Netherlands UK Childline , Call 0800 1111 or online chat, Talk about anything ​ Kooth , online Support ​ Samaritans , Call 116 123 or email Anxiety uk , Information and support - ​​ Papyrus, support Call: 0800 068 4141 Text: 07860 039 967 Email: Beat, Eating disorder support Shout, Crisis text line Text HELLO to 85258 - NHS 111 - Call in non life threatening emergency - 999 - call in emergency Call 1-866-585-0445 or text WELLNESS to: 686868 for youth 741741 for adults ​ If you're in immediate danger or need urgent medical support, call 911 Canada If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now, call triple zero (000). You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ​ s ​ Australia S.O.S. Amitié Tel: 09 72 39 40 50 Suicide écoute Tel: 01 45 39 40 00 SOS Help Tel: 01 46 21 46 46 In an emergency call 112 France Spain Samaritans in Spain: English-language helpline offering free support – available by calling 900 525 100 or online . Suicide, crisis, and support line (El Teléfono de la Esperanza): call 902 500 002 or go online (Spanish only, however). ​ Ambulance: 061 Fire brigade: 080 National police: 091 Local police: 092 Website to emergency numbers Telephone: 116 123 Mental Health Helpline Tel: 810 30 030 Emergency call 113 for ambulance and 112 for police Norway More resources in Europe

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