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  • Media and Hope News | The Hope Project

    Hope Project News Here you can find all media Interviews, News and events regarding the hope project and so much more. 01/ 03/ 2023 TippFm " We are the forgotten generation when it comes to mental health" ​ "Charlotte is 17 years old from Carrick on Suir. She set up the Hope Project two years ago when she was just 15. The ‘Hope’ part of the group is an abbreviation for ‘Hold on Pain Ends.’ The Project has a community of people from all around the globe. Charlotte was in studio with Fran. Press here to Listen. 14/ 02/ 2023 Irish Examiner "Case study: 'Under-18s are the forgotten generation' Charlotte McDonnell (17) was not surprised at the latest report criticising the Camhs, having faced obstacles during her time with the services in Tipperary." Press here to read full article Photo taken by John D Kelly 03/ 02/ 2023 Tipperary Live " Carrick-on-Suir teenager's HOPE Project campaigns for better mental health services for young people. A Carrick-on-Suir teenager is the founder of an online project promoting mental health awareness and advocating for better mental health services for young people. The Hope Project website was set up by Charlotte McDonnell two years ago when she was 15-years-old ​ Press here to read full article 03/ 11/ 2022 WLRFM "Charlotte Mac is a 17 year-old living in Carrick who joined Damien in studio to discuss her website The Hope Project. She set it up two years ago when she was just 15. The 'Hope' part of the website is an abbreviation for 'Hold On Pain Ends.' The Project has a community of people from all around the globe, including in America and the UK." Press here to listen

  • Bipolar disorder | The Hope Project

    Bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder Information, support and Tips on how to cope. What is Bipolar Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings between periods of mania and depression. People with bipolar disorder may experience intense highs, increased energy, and impulsivity during manic episodes, followed by periods of deep sadness, low energy, and hopelessness during depressive episodes. The mood shifts can significantly impact a person's daily life and functioning. Rapid cycling bipolar Bipolar with mixed features Bipolar with seasonal pattern ​ ​ Bipolar 1 Bipolar 2 Cyclothymia ​ Types Rapid cycling in bipolar disorder means experiencing four or more mood swings (manic, hypomanic, depressive, or mixed) in a year. It can make treatment more challenging and impact daily life, requiring adjustments to medications and therapy. Not everyone with bipolar disorder rapid cycles Rapid cycling Bipolar with mixed features Bipolar with mixed features means feeling both manic and depressed at the same time. This is sometimes called mixed bipolar state or mixed affective bipolar. Bipolar 1 Bipolar I is a mood disorder where individuals have at least one intense manic episode, characterized by elevated or irritable mood and increased energy. Depressive episodes may also occur, Cyclothymic Cyclothymic Disorder, or cyclothymia, is a milder form of bipolar disorder. It involves recurring periods of hypomanic symptoms (less severe than full-blown mania) and depressive symptoms that do not meet the criteria for a major depressive episode. Individuals with cyclothymia may experience mood swings, but the symptoms are less intense and do not typically interfere significantly with daily functioning. It's a chronic condition that lasts for at least two years (one year in children and adolescents). Cyclothymic Disorder is considered a subtype within the broader category of bipolar and related disorders. Cyclothymia can be a difficult diagnosis to receive. You may feel as though someone is saying your symptoms are 'not serious enough', but this isn't the case. Cyclothymia can seriously impact your life. And mental health is a spectrum that covers lots of different experiences. Bipolar with seasonal pattern Bipolar disorder with seasonal pattern means that mood swings (like feeling high or low) follow a seasonal cycle. For some, depression may happen more in winter, and mania or high energy may occur in spring or summer. Bipolar II is a mood disorder marked by cycles of depression and hypomania. Hypomania is a less severe form of mania, involving elevated mood and increased energy. Individuals with Bipolar II don't experience full-blown mania but still have significant mood shifts. Bipolar 2 Bipolar disorder with seasonal pattern means that mood swings (like feeling high or low) follow a seasonal cycle. For some, depression may happen more in winter, and mania or high energy may occur in spring or summer. Bipolar 2 You are not alone Learning to cope Dealing with bipolar disorder can be tough, especially without clear coping strategies. Finding effective ways to manage is Important for a better life. It's important to understand bipolar disorder personally, and professionals suggest these tips. While it might be challenging to find the right approach, staying open-minded and resilient can make a big difference. Monitor your mood You might find it helps to keep track of your moods over a period of time. You could try noting down mood patterns in a diary or on your phone. Understanding your triggers You might find it helps to understand what can trigger changes in your mood. Triggers are different for different people. Some examples include: Feeling overwhelmed or busy Stressful periods Significant life events, like weddings, having a child or losing a loved one Periods of change or uncertainty Lack of sleep Other physical or mental health issues Changes or problems with your treatment for bipolar disorder It can help to recognise these patterns. Then you can take action to avoid the trigger or minimise its impact. ​ Learn your warning signs You may start to notice a pattern to how you feel before an episode. This could be changes in your: Sleeping pattern Eating patterns or appetite Behaviour Being aware that you're about to have a change in mood can help you make sure that: You have support systems in place You can focus on looking after yourself You're able to share warning signs with family and friends who can help you Stick to a routine Having a routine can help you feel calmer if your mood is high, motivated if your mood is low, and generally more stable. Your routine could include: Day-to-day activities, such as the time you eat meals and go to sleep. Making time for relaxation , mindfulness , hobbies and social plans. Taking any medication at the same time each day. This can also help you manage side effects and make sure there's a consistent level in your system. Mange stress Stress can trigger mood episodes . There are lots of things you can try which might help you to: Avoid stress Manage stress Look after yourself when you feel stressed ​ Look after your physical health Try to get enough sleep. Disturbed sleep can be both a trigger and a symptom of episodes. Getting enough sleep can help you keep your mood stable or shorten an episode. ​ Eat a healthy diet Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can help you feel well, think clearly and calm your mood. Exercise regularly Gentle exercise, like yoga or swimming, can help you relax and manage stress. Regular exercise can help by: Using up energy when you're feeling high Releasing endorphins – the 'feel-good' chemicals in the brain – when you're feeling low ​ Build a support network Building a support network could help to manage your mood. This might include friends, family or other people in your life who you trust and can talk to. The kind of support they can offer includes: Being able to recognise signs that you may be experiencing a mood episode . Helping you look after yourself by keeping a routine or a healthy diet. Listening and offering their understanding. Helping you reflect on and remember what happened during a manic episode. Helping you plan for a crisis . Try to tell those around you what you find helpful and what you don't find helpful. For example, you can agree together what things you'd like their help with and what you would like to manage by yourself. ​ Information from Bipolar UK Treatment Options Managing bipolar disorder involves reducing the intensity and frequency of depressive and manic episodes. Untreated episodes can endure for 3 to 6 months, with depressive episodes typically lasting between 6 to 12 months. With effective intervention, improvements are often noticeable within approximately 3 months. Various treatment approaches exist, including medications, psychological therapies, and lifestyle adjustments like dietary enhancements and better sleep habits. Your GP and psychiatrist will discuss these options with you, and many individuals with bipolar disorder can undergo treatment without requiring hospitalization. In severe cases or when governed by the Mental Health Act, hospitalization may be necessary due to the risk of self-harm or harm to others. A day hospital might be considered in certain situations, allowing for treatment during the day with the flexibility to return home at night. Therapy Options This may include: psychoeducation – to find out more about bipolar disorder cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) family therapy supportive psychotherapy (counselling) trauma informed psychotherapy Talking with a trained therapist is an important part of treatment for bipolar disorder. A therapist can help you deal with depression. They can also give you advice on how to improve relationships and address any unresolved trauma or emotional distress. Psychological treatment usually consists of around 16 sessions. Each session lasts an hour and takes place over a period of 6 to 9 months. Lifestyle Getting ​ regular exercise Planning activities you enjoy that give you a sense of achievement Improving your diet Getting more sleep You can get lifestyle advice from your psychologist or community mental health team. Learning to recognise triggers You can learn to recognise the warning signs of an episode of mania or depression. Someone close to you may be able to help you identify your early signs of relapse from your history. For example, a mental health professional, peer support worker, family member or friend. Wellness Recovery Action Plans (WRAP) are very useful. Your local community mental health team can advise you on how to develop this plan. This will not prevent the episode from happening, but it will allow you to get help in time. This may mean making some changes to your treatment. Your GP or specialist can talk to you about this. -HSE Support Support can mean talking with a friend, family member, teacher, GP or Mental health services. Don't suffer in silence there are people there to listen. ​ Bipolar UK St Patricks Mental health services Aware Ireland Ireland resources Other Countries Information from this website has come from the NHS, HSE and bipolar Uk.

  • Blank Page | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Descargo de responsabilidad Si necesita más información o tiene alguna pregunta sobre el descargo de responsabilidad de nuestro sitio, no dude en contactarnos por correo electrónico a . Nuestro descargo de responsabilidad se generó con la ayuda de the Disclaimer Generator . Descargos de responsabilidad para el proyecto The Hope Toda la información en este sitio web,, se publica de buena fe y solo con fines de información general. El proyecto Hope no ofrece ninguna garantía sobre la integridad, confiabilidad y precisión de esta información. Cualquier acción que realice sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web (The Hope project), es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo. El proyecto Hope no será responsable de ninguna pérdida y/o daño en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web. Desde nuestro sitio web, puede visitar otros sitios web siguiendo los hipervínculos a dichos sitios externos. Si bien nos esforzamos por proporcionar solo enlaces de calidad a sitios web útiles y éticos, no tenemos control sobre el contenido y la naturaleza de estos sitios. Estos enlaces a otros sitios web no implican una recomendación de todo el contenido que se encuentra en estos sitios. Los propietarios del sitio y el contenido pueden cambiar sin previo aviso y pueden ocurrir antes de que tengamos la oportunidad de eliminar un enlace que puede haber salido "defectuoso". Tenga en cuenta también que cuando abandona nuestro sitio web, otros sitios pueden tener diferentes términos y políticas de privacidad que están fuera de nuestro control. Asegúrese de consultar las Políticas de privacidad de estos sitios, así como sus "Términos de servicio" antes de participar en cualquier negocio o cargar cualquier información. Comentario del creador. Este sitio web es SÓLO para información. Hay grupos de apoyo pero están vigilados continuamente. Si tiene una crisis o necesita atención médica, comuníquese con su médico de cabecera, A&E local o al 999. No tengo licencia ni estoy calificado para brindar apoyo de salud mental en una crisis o emergencia. Estoy aquí para dirigir a las personas al mejor servicio para ellos, para obtener información o cualquier pregunta que alguien pueda tener. ​ Consentir Al utilizar nuestro sitio web, usted acepta nuestro descargo de responsabilidad y acepta sus términos. Actualizar En caso de que actualicemos, modifiquemos o realicemos cambios en este documento, dichos cambios se publicarán de manera destacada aquí. Ponerse en contacto

  • Mental Health | Thehopeproject

    Welcome to HOPE HOPE - Hold On, Pain Ends About Us Not all Storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.... Quote of the month Information Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Self Harm Panic Attacks Suicidal thoughts Your Stories "I've been suffering from mental health issues for about 3 years and been struggling with self harm & suicidal thoughts for most of that time. one day last year i had just had enough and i’d completely given up & lost hope that anything would get better, that night i made an attempt on my life which then landed me in hospital requiring treatment. for anyone considering taking their lives please give life another shot, i know things are unimaginably tough for you right now but things can improve with time and the right help. you matter, you’re strong and the world is a better place with you in it. keep fighting <3" Read More

  • Grief and coping with loss | The Hope Project

    Grief and coping with loss Losing someone you love can be one of the hardest things to deal with. Especially if you were close to that person. "Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness. The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or even think straight. These are normal reactions to loss—and the more significant the loss, the more intense your grief will be." Grieving process There is no right or wrong way to grieve; it is a very personal process. How you grieve is determined by a wide range of things, such as your personality and coping mechanisms, your life experience, your religious beliefs, and the importance of the loss to you. The grieving process inevitably requires time. There is no "normal" timeframe for grieving; healing develops gradually and cannot be hastened or coerced. In weeks or months, some people start to feel better. For some it may take years. Whatever your level of pain, it's crucial to be kind to yourself and let things take their course. If you’ve experienced a loss, there are a number of things that will help you as you grieve: be gentle with yourself. Your energy may be low for a while so do not place too many demands on yourself. look after your physical health. You may find you’ve lost your appetite. However, it’s important that you eat healthily. Many people find eating small but frequent meals helpful. It’s also important to try to get some exercise; even a small walk each day can be beneficial. make sure you get enough rest and sleep. This will help you avoid becoming run down or physically ill. seek out support from others who are willing to listen. Talking is important because it helps you express what you’re feeling. Try to find one or two people with whom you can simply be yourself and who’ll allow you to talk when you need to. allow yourself to experience the feelings that come with bereavement, even if they’re difficult. It can be helpful to talk these over with someone you trust. This could be a family member, although it’s important to remember they are grieving too. Sometimes, talking to someone outside the family can be beneficial. don’t rush things. You’re trying to come to terms with a major upheaval in your life. Give yourself permission to take things a bit easier. In general, it’s best to put off making major decisions such as moving home or changing jobs for at least six months to a year. Physical and emotional symptoms of grief These are some of the physical symptoms of grief that you may experience: a hollow feeling in your stomach tightness, or heaviness, in your chest or throat oversensitivity to noise difficulty breathing feeling very tired and weak a lack of energy dry mouth an increase or decrease in appetite finding it hard to sleep or fear of sleeping aches and pains. Normal emotional reactions can include: Temporary loss of interest in things that used to bring joy Numbness, shock, sadness, despair, fear, guilt Decreased confidence and self-esteem Temporary increase in anxiety Sense of loss of control Changes in capacity and ability to deal with stress Less focus at work Changes in interpersonal relationships If your sadness, anxiety or depression persist for a period of time without relief, or if you experience significant impacts to your ability to function in the world, you may need to seek professional help. Things to be on the lookout for include: Inability to get out of bed Deep sense of hopelessness all the time Listlessness that does not go away Complete lack of joy in things that used to bring you great joy Suicidal thoughts Self-isolation Sleep disruption that does not get better over time Inability to work Ways to cope Coping with loss is something that's very hard to do. Its okay to be upset, shocked or many other things you may be feeling. Its okay to let yourself grieve, be patient with yourself. Talking to a professional about how you're feeling and getting tips off them can help greatly. Remember you're never alone and there's always someone there to listen 24/7. Resources Information on this page is from

  • About me | THE HOPE PROJECT

    charlotte mac Hola, Mi nombre es Charlotte Mac y tengo 16 años de Tipperary, Irlanda. Hice este sitio web porque he luchado con mi salud mental durante muchos años y I sé lo que se siente estar solo y cómo es cuando la enfermedad mental ocupa toda tu vida. Quiero marcar la diferencia y ayudar a la gente. Este sitio web es un lugar seguro para cualquier persona. Hay grupos e información sobre recursos y servicios para la salud mental y si usted o alguien que conoce tiene dificultades, también hay información para eso. También puedes contactarme por correo electrónico o con el botón "CHATEAR". Puedes ser tú mismo aquí y eres tan fuerte y valiente. -Amo a Charlotte xx

  • Suicidal thoughts | The Hope Project

    Suicidal Thoughts If you are having thoughts of suicide you're not alone. They can be scary and they can give you many other unwanted feelings and thoughts. Remember you don't have to act on these thoughts. You are so loved and worth so much. What are suicidal thoughts? Feeling suicidal can range from thinking about dying to planning how to do it. It might make you feel scared or overwhelmed, but it's important to know you're not alone. Many people go through these thoughts at some point in their lives. People experience suicidal feelings differently. You might feel overwhelmed by tough emotions, feeling like you can't handle them. It might not be so much about wanting to die, but feeling like you can't keep living the way you are. These feelings can grow gradually or fluctuate from one moment to the next. It's normal to feel confused about why you're feeling this way. These thoughts aren't permanent, You will feel okay again, with the right support . When you're in the grip of suicidal feelings, it can be really tough. It might seem like there's no way out, like acting on those feelings is the only option, or that nothing can make the pain go away. But remember, those feelings, though intense, can pass. In this moment, there are things you can try. Even if it feels like nothing will make a difference, give these strategies a chance. You might feel differently once you've given them a shot. Instead of fixating on the future, focus on getting through this moment or day. You've likely experienced similar feelings before, and they've eventually faded. Remind yourself that this pain is temporary; it will likely ease with time. Try changing your immediate thoughts by doing something different or shifting your focus. It doesn't have to be a big change—small steps can help. ​ Don’t make a decision today You don’t need to act on your thoughts right now. You can try to focus on just getting through now, or today, and not the rest of your life. You may have had these thoughts before, but you feel less able to cope today. You might find that you are more able to cope in a few days. ​ Other ways to cope Talk to someone about how you are feeling - This could be a Family Member, Teacher, Friend, Counsellor or a Hotline. If you are finding it hard to talk about what you’re going through, you can try starting with: “Lately, I’ve been feeling…” “I think it started when…” “I’ve been feeling this for a while…” or “I’m thinking about…” Write about your feelings, Writing down how you are feeling can really help. Writing in a journal or on a piece of paper and then destroying that paper can give you a sense of relief. Take things a little at a time. Set out to get through the next day, the next week or month, perhaps the next hour or even less. Tell yourself: "I've got through so far, I can get through the next hour". Coping with these thoughts What you May think or feel ​ hopeless, like there is no point in living tearful and overwhelmed by negative thoughts unbearable pain that you can't imagine ending useless, not wanted or not needed by others desperate, as if you have no other choice like everyone would be better off without you cut off from your body or physically numb fascinated by death. What you may experience poor sleep, including waking up earlier than you want to a change in appetite, weight gain or loss no desire to take care of yourself, for example neglecting your physical appearance wanting to avoid others making a will or giving away possessions struggling to communicate self-loathing and low self-esteem urges to self-harm . Distractions ​ Do something else, and focus your attention fully on what you're doing, e.g. • Gardening Household chores Physical exercise - walk, run, cycle, dance. Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) Reading - magazine, self help book Television Seek out a supportive discussion forum on the internet • Learn something new on the internet • Go to the park, the beach - pay attention to nature. Visit someone Music Play with a pet. DIY Feed the birds Sudoku or crossword Do something creative: painting, writing, knitting, play a musical instrument, make a collage, bake a cake, cook a meal, arrange some flowers, make a website or blog. Safety Plan Having a safety plan while in a moment of crisis can be extremely helpful. You can make your own on websites and apps such as: Canva Word Phonto Or you can download some online. Samaritans Getselfhelp Everylifematters Resources and helplines Ireland Samaritans - Call 116123 or email . ​ Pieta House - Call 1800 247 247 or Text HELP to 51444 ​ Text about it - Text HELLO to 50808 ​ Childline - For people up to the age of 18 Freephone 1800 66 66 66 Text 50101 Live chat at ​ Go to your GP if you are struggling. In an emergency go to your local hospital or call 999 and ask for Ambulance or Gardi For other Countries please go to our resources and helplines page. Resources If you think that its the end remember your life is just beginning. UK Samaritans - Call 116123 Email ​ Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day Visit the webchat page ​ Papyrus – prevention of young suicide HOPELINE247 Call 0800 068 41 41 Text 07860 039967 Email ​ Childline – for children and young people under 19 Call 0800 1111 SOS Silence of Suicide – for everyone Call 0300 1020 505 – 4pm to midnight every day Email ​ Shout Crisis Text Line – for everyone Text "SHOUT" to 85258 ​ YoungMinds Crisis Messenger – for people under 19 Text "YM" to 85258 ​ Go to your GP if you are struggling. If you or someone you know is in Crisis call 999 and ask for Ambulance or Police, or go to your nearest hospital. You will get through this, You are not alone.

  • HOME | The Hope Project

    Information Suicidal Thoughts If you are having thoughts of suicide you're not alone. They can be scary and they can give you many other unwanted feelings and thoughts. Remember you don't have to act on these thoughts. Suicidal thoughts Depression Depression is more than an unhappy feeling for feeling fed up for a few days its much more than that. ​ Depression Self Harm Self harm is when a person causes physical pain to themselves. It is a difficult issue to start talking about and not a lot of people understand why someone may self harm. Self Harm View More "Don't let this darkness fool you, All lights turned off can be turned on." - Noah Kahan

  • Depression | The Hope Project

    Depression Depression is more than an unhappy feeling for feeling fed up for a few days its much more than that. Everyone can feel sad from time to time but depression is constant and doesn't go away easily and someone might not know why they are depressed. Its not a sign of weakness or something you can just snap out of. ​ With the right treatment Some with depression can make a full recovery. Symptoms continuous low mood or sadness feeling hopeless and helpless having low self-esteem feeling tearful feeling worthless or guilt-ridden feeling irritable and intolerant of others having no motivation or interest in things finding it difficult to make decisions not getting any enjoyment out of life irritable mood feeling anxious or worried having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself. moving or speaking slower than usual changes in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased) constipation unexplained aches and pains lack of energy low sex drive (loss of libido) changes to your menstrual cycle disturbed sleep – difficulty falling asleep, waking up early or sleeping more than usual not doing well at work avoiding contact with friends and taking part in fewer social activities neglecting your hobbies and interests having difficulties in your home and family life. If you or someone you know is unsafe or having a medical emergency call your country's emergency number - 999, 911, 112, 111. ​ For more information and resources go to our helpline page. ​ Remember there will always be someone there to listen. ​ View More Information on this page is from the HSE and NHS website. Causes bereavement divorce illness redundancy job or money worries Biological - Biological theories of depression place blame on the brain and the malfunctioning of some of the chemicals that comprise it. Psychological - The psychological theories of depression focus mostly on the experience of loss. Stressful events Personality Family history Giving birth Loneliness Alcohol and drugs Illness Read more Treatment for depression can involve a combination of: self-help talking therapies medicines Exercise Exercise can help depression and it's one of the main treatments for mild depression. Antidepressants Antidepressants are tablets that treat the symptoms of depression. There are almost 30 different types of antidepressant. Your doctor will prescribe these. Combination therapy Your GP may recommend that you take a course of antidepressants plus talking therapy. For moderate to severe depression, an antidepressant and CBT usually works better than one treatment. Mental health teams You may be referred to a mental health team. They could include psychologists, psychiatrists, specialist nurses and occupational therapists. These teams often provide intensive specialist talking treatments as well as prescribed medication. Talking treatments Your doctor may refer you to talking therapy for moderate to severe depression. Read more

  • Anxiety | The Hope Project

    Anxiety Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress. It's a feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come. The first day of school, going to a job interview, or giving a speech may cause most people to feel fearful and nervous. - Anxiety is quite hard to live with and it’s different for everyone. A lot of people might not understand anxiety but everyone gets anxiety from time to time just other people are anxious all the time. What triggers one person's anxiety may not create the same response in someone else. A break-up, concern about exams or work, or an argument with a friend can make you feel anxious, worried or scared. Anxiety is an everyday feeling. But it can become a problem when there is no obvious reason for it. Or when anxious feelings persist for more than a couple of weeks. Physical effects of anxiety Dry mouth and/or difficulty swallowing Nightmares Difficulty getting to and staying asleep Poor concentration Muscle tension and headaches Rapid heart rate and breathing Sweating or trembling Diarrhoea A flare-up of another health problem or illness (for example, dermatitis, asthma) Some common ways anxiety can affect your behaviour and feelings Irritability or always being in a bad mood Having a strong urge to avoid situations that could trigger your anxiety Worry or always feeling that something bad is about to happen Asking a lot of needless questions and needing constant reassurance Being a perfectionist Being pessimistic and focusing on what may go wrong in any given situation How to deal with anxiety. Try these when you're feeling anxious or stressed: Take a time-out. Practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, get a massage, or learn relaxation techniques. Stepping back from the problem helps clear your head. Eat well-balanced meals. Do not skip any meals. Do keep healthful, energy-boosting snacks on hand. Limit alcohol and caffeine, which can aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks. Get enough sleep. When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest. Exercise daily to help you feel good and maintain your health. Check out the fitness tips below. Take deep breaths. Inhale and exhale slowly. Count to 10 slowly. Repeat, and count to 20 if necessary. Do your best. Instead of aiming for perfection, which isn't possible, be proud of however close you get. Accept that you cannot control everything. Put your stress in perspective: Is it really as bad as you think? Welcome humor. A good laugh goes a long way. Maintain a positive attitude. Make an effort to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Get involved. Volunteer or find another way to be active in your community, which creates a support network and gives you a break from everyday stress. Learn what triggers your anxiety. Is it work, family, school, or something else you can identify? Write in a journal when you’re feeling stressed or anxious, and look for a pattern. Panic Attacks and Anxiety Remember if you're struggling, talk to someone. Talk to a friend, family member, teacher or just anyone. once you start talking it gets easier Helplines

  • Ireland resources | The Hope Project

    Resources and Helplines in Ireland Nationally Pieta house Pieta provides free, therapeutic approach to people who are in suicidal distress, engage in self-harm, or bereaved by suicide, 24/7. ​ Call 1800 247 247, Text HELP to 51444. ​ Read More Bodywhys Bodywhys, the Eating Disorders Association of Ireland, is the national voluntary organisation supporting people affected by eating disorders Call 012107906 email Read More Samaritans They are there , day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Call 116 123 Email Read More Aware Supporting Your Mental Health. Aware undertakes to create a society where people affected by stress, depression, bipolar disorder and mood related conditions are understood, supported, free from stigma, and are encouraged to access appropriate therapies. Freephone: 1800 80 48 48 Read More Childline Childline is open every day and is for all children and young people in Ireland up to and including the age of 18. ​Call 1800 66 66 66 ​ ​ Read More Jigsaw Jigsaw offer expert mental health advice and support, online and in person, to young people across Ireland, aged 12 - 25 years-old. Read More 999/112 Call 999/112 in an emergency or if yours or someone else's life is at risk. ​ National services Turn2Me They offer self-help, peer support and professional support through an online platform for those who are experiencing poor mental health. More Info Grow Grow Mental Health is a charity that provides free, friendly community based, peer support groups for anyone who is experiencing a mental health issue. More Info Shine Supporting people effected by mental ill health and their families through information and education. More Info ParentLine Parentline is a national, confidential helpline that offers parents support, information and guidance on all aspects of being a parent and any parenting issues. More Info Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy List of registered Counsellors & Psychotherapists practicing in Ireland More Info Womens Aid Confidential information, support and understanding to women who are being abused by current or former boyfriends, partners or husbands. More Info The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre ​ For people who have experienced sexual assult, rape or childhood sexual abuse. More Info Aoibhneas Women and Children’s Refuge Domestic abuse support for women and children. 24-hour support, information and referral services, access to safe accommodation – for women and children forced to leave their home due to domestic abuse. More Info LGBT Ireland National support service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people and their families and friends. More Info If you are struggling with your mental health go to your GP so they can direct you to the best services in your area. If you or someone you know is in Crisis go to the emergency department or call 112

  • Shop | The Hope Project

    Hope Shop The Hope Project shop is not on the website yet, it is on etsy. Follow the link below to purchase. ​ Money made from the hope project shop will go towards website upgrades, Suicide prevention posters as so much more. SHOP

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