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  • Panic attacks | The Hope Project

    Panic Attacks A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause. Panic attacks can be very frightening. When panic attacks occur, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack or even dying. ​ While they are frightening they are not dangerous. There are things you can to to feel calmer and more in control. Atmung Wenn Sie während einer Panikattacke schnell atmen, kann eine Atemübung Ihre anderen Symptome lindern. Versuche dies: Atmen Sie so langsam, tief und sanft wie möglich durch die Nase ein. Atmen Sie langsam, tief und sanft durch den Mund aus. Manche Menschen finden es hilfreich, bei jedem Ein- und Ausatmen stetig von eins bis fünf zu zählen. Schließe deine Augen und konzentriere dich auf deine Atmung. 5,4,3,2,1-Technik Wenn Sie eine Panikattacke haben, kann die 5,4,3,2,1-Erdungstechnik sehr hilfreich sein. So geht's: Nenne 5 Dinge, die du sehen kannst, Nenne 4 Dinge, die du fühlen kannst, Nenne 3 Dinge, die du hören kannst, Nenne 2 Dinge, die du riechen kannst, Nenne 1 Sache, die du schmecken kannst. Diese Technik dient dazu, Sie zu erden und Ihnen zu helfen, sich zu konzentrieren. ​ Wir versuchen, Sie zu erden und Ihnen das Gefühl zu geben, mehr Kontrolle zu haben, um besser damit umgehen zu können. ​ Manchmal kann es wirklich helfen, etwas in den Händen zu haben, während Sie diese Techniken anwenden. Zum Beispiel Eiswürfel halten oder mit einem Zappelspielzeug spielen. ​ ​ Es gibt auch einige Apps, die Sie herunterladen können, die Ihnen helfen können, sich zu beruhigen. Rootd Atemnot Klare Angst Kopfraum Tagebuch Daylio Woebot Manche Menschen machen gerne Aktivitäten, um sich auf etwas anderes zu konzentrieren. Zum Beispiel: Zeichnung Färbung Papier zerreißen Einen Film schauen Musik richtig laut hören Spazieren gehen Zeit mit einem Haustier spielen/verbringen. Einen Freund anrufen ​ Es kann alles sein, wenn es dir hilft, ist es wichtig. ​ Erstellen Sie einen kleinen Plan, was Sie tun können, wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, dass eine Panikattacke kommt, oder wann es hilfreich sein kann, eine zu haben. Eine kleine Liste von Dingen, die Sie in diesem Moment tun können, kann Ihnen dabei helfen. ​ Jemandem helfen, der eine Panikattacke hat. Es kann beängstigend sein, wenn jemand, den Sie kennen, eine Panikattacke hat, aber es gibt einige einfache Dinge, die Sie tun können, um ihm zu helfen: Bleiben Sie ruhig , halten Sie Ihre Stimme ruhig und _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ sprechen Sie nicht darüber oder konzentrieren Sie sich nicht darauf, was mit ihnen während einer Panikattacke passiert. Erinnere sie daran, dass sie in Sicherheit sind und es bald vorbei sein wird. Fragen Sie sie, ob sie etwas brauchen . Jemand, der eine Panikattacke hat, kann dir vielleicht nicht immer sagen, was er braucht, aber fragen kann helfen, ihn daran zu erinnern, dass er nicht allein ist. Hilf ihnen zu atmen. Versuchen Sie laut zu zählen, während Sie 5 Sekunden lang einatmen und 5 Sekunden lang ausatmen. Unterstützen Sie sie danach, bringen Sie sie an einen ruhigen Ort, um sich zu beruhigen, und holen Sie ihnen etwas Wasser, wenn sie es brauchen.

  • Media and Hope News | The Hope Project

    Hope Project News Here you can find all media Interviews, News and events regarding the hope project and so much more. 01/ 03/ 2023 TippFm " We are the forgotten generation when it comes to mental health" ​ "Charlotte is 17 years old from Carrick on Suir. She set up the Hope Project two years ago when she was just 15. The ‘Hope’ part of the group is an abbreviation for ‘Hold on Pain Ends.’ The Project has a community of people from all around the globe. Charlotte was in studio with Fran. Press here to Listen. 14/ 02/ 2023 Irish Examiner "Case study: 'Under-18s are the forgotten generation' Charlotte McDonnell (17) was not surprised at the latest report criticising the Camhs, having faced obstacles during her time with the services in Tipperary." Press here to read full article Photo taken by John D Kelly 03/ 02/ 2023 Tipperary Live " Carrick-on-Suir teenager's HOPE Project campaigns for better mental health services for young people. A Carrick-on-Suir teenager is the founder of an online project promoting mental health awareness and advocating for better mental health services for young people. The Hope Project website was set up by Charlotte McDonnell two years ago when she was 15-years-old ​ Press here to read full article 03/ 11/ 2022 WLRFM "Charlotte Mac is a 17 year-old living in Carrick who joined Damien in studio to discuss her website The Hope Project. She set it up two years ago when she was just 15. The 'Hope' part of the website is an abbreviation for 'Hold On Pain Ends.' The Project has a community of people from all around the globe, including in America and the UK." Press here to listen

  • Shop | The Hope Project

    Hope Shop The Hope Project shop is not on the website yet, it is on etsy. Follow the link below to purchase. ​ Money made from the hope project shop will go towards website upgrades, Suicide prevention posters as so much more. SHOP

  • Suicidal thoughts | The Hope Project

    Suicidal Thoughts If you are having thoughts of suicide you're not alone. They can be scary and they can give you many other unwanted feelings and thoughts. Remember you don't have to act on these thoughts. You are so loved and worth so much. What are suicidal thoughts? Feeling suicidal can range from thinking about dying to planning how to do it. It might make you feel scared or overwhelmed, but it's important to know you're not alone. Many people go through these thoughts at some point in their lives. People experience suicidal feelings differently. You might feel overwhelmed by tough emotions, feeling like you can't handle them. It might not be so much about wanting to die, but feeling like you can't keep living the way you are. These feelings can grow gradually or fluctuate from one moment to the next. It's normal to feel confused about why you're feeling this way. These thoughts aren't permanent, You will feel okay again, with the right support . When you're in the grip of suicidal feelings, it can be really tough. It might seem like there's no way out, like acting on those feelings is the only option, or that nothing can make the pain go away. But remember, those feelings, though intense, can pass. In this moment, there are things you can try. Even if it feels like nothing will make a difference, give these strategies a chance. You might feel differently once you've given them a shot. Instead of fixating on the future, focus on getting through this moment or day. You've likely experienced similar feelings before, and they've eventually faded. Remind yourself that this pain is temporary; it will likely ease with time. Try changing your immediate thoughts by doing something different or shifting your focus. It doesn't have to be a big change—small steps can help. ​ Don’t make a decision today You don’t need to act on your thoughts right now. You can try to focus on just getting through now, or today, and not the rest of your life. You may have had these thoughts before, but you feel less able to cope today. You might find that you are more able to cope in a few days. ​ Other ways to cope Talk to someone about how you are feeling - This could be a Family Member, Teacher, Friend, Counsellor or a Hotline. If you are finding it hard to talk about what you’re going through, you can try starting with: “Lately, I’ve been feeling…” “I think it started when…” “I’ve been feeling this for a while…” or “I’m thinking about…” Write about your feelings, Writing down how you are feeling can really help. Writing in a journal or on a piece of paper and then destroying that paper can give you a sense of relief. Take things a little at a time. Set out to get through the next day, the next week or month, perhaps the next hour or even less. Tell yourself: "I've got through so far, I can get through the next hour". Coping with these thoughts What you May think or feel ​ hopeless, like there is no point in living tearful and overwhelmed by negative thoughts unbearable pain that you can't imagine ending useless, not wanted or not needed by others desperate, as if you have no other choice like everyone would be better off without you cut off from your body or physically numb fascinated by death. What you may experience poor sleep, including waking up earlier than you want to a change in appetite, weight gain or loss no desire to take care of yourself, for example neglecting your physical appearance wanting to avoid others making a will or giving away possessions struggling to communicate self-loathing and low self-esteem urges to self-harm . Distractions ​ Do something else, and focus your attention fully on what you're doing, e.g. • Gardening Household chores Physical exercise - walk, run, cycle, dance. Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) Reading - magazine, self help book Television Seek out a supportive discussion forum on the internet • Learn something new on the internet • Go to the park, the beach - pay attention to nature. Visit someone Music Play with a pet. DIY Feed the birds Sudoku or crossword Do something creative: painting, writing, knitting, play a musical instrument, make a collage, bake a cake, cook a meal, arrange some flowers, make a website or blog. Safety Plan Having a safety plan while in a moment of crisis can be extremely helpful. You can make your own on websites and apps such as: Canva Word Phonto Or you can download some online. Samaritans Getselfhelp Everylifematters Resources and helplines Ireland Samaritans - Call 116123 or email . ​ Pieta House - Call 1800 247 247 or Text HELP to 51444 ​ Text about it - Text HELLO to 50808 ​ Childline - For people up to the age of 18 Freephone 1800 66 66 66 Text 50101 Live chat at ​ Go to your GP if you are struggling. In an emergency go to your local hospital or call 999 and ask for Ambulance or Gardi For other Countries please go to our resources and helplines page. Resources If you think that its the end remember your life is just beginning. UK Samaritans - Call 116123 Email ​ Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day Visit the webchat page ​ Papyrus – prevention of young suicide HOPELINE247 Call 0800 068 41 41 Text 07860 039967 Email ​ Childline – for children and young people under 19 Call 0800 1111 SOS Silence of Suicide – for everyone Call 0300 1020 505 – 4pm to midnight every day Email ​ Shout Crisis Text Line – for everyone Text "SHOUT" to 85258 ​ YoungMinds Crisis Messenger – for people under 19 Text "YM" to 85258 ​ Go to your GP if you are struggling. If you or someone you know is in Crisis call 999 and ask for Ambulance or Police, or go to your nearest hospital. You will get through this, You are not alone.

  • Eating disorders | The Hope Project

    Eating Disorders An eating disorder is a mental health disorder where you use food and weight to cope with emotional distress. ​ People of all ages, genders and backgrounds can develop an eating disorder, although teenagers and young women are at higher risk. With treatment, you can recover from an eating disorder. If you are going through an eating disorder, it is important to have the right assessment and treatment as early as possible to help you deal with your physical, nutritional and mental health needs. ​ If you're struggling with an eating disorder you're not alone. There is support there and you can get through it. ​ Recovery is the best option, it can be a long and hard road but you can get through it. You are so much stronger than you even know. ​ "What are the types of eating disorders?" Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia (or anorexia nervosa) is a serious mental illness where people are of low weight due to limiting how much they eat and drink. They may develop “rules” around what they feel they can and cannot eat, as well as things like when and where they’ll eat. Anorexia can affect anyone of any age, gender, ethnicity or background. As well as limiting how much they eat, they may do lots of exercise, make themselves sick, or misuse laxatives to get rid of food eaten. Some people with anorexia may experience cycles of bingeing (eating large amounts of food at once) and then purging. Read more Bulimia (or bulimia nervosa) is a serious mental illness. It can affect anyone of any age, gender, ethnicity or background. People with bulimia are caught in a cycle of eating large quantities of food (called bingeing), and then trying to compensate for that overeating by vomiting, taking laxatives or diuretics, fasting, or exercising excessively (called purging). Treatment at the earliest possible opportunity gives the best chance for a fast and sustained recovery from bulimia. Read more Bulimia OSFED Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder are diagnosed using a list of expected behavioural, psychological, and physical symptoms. Sometimes a person’s symptoms don’t exactly fit the expected symptoms for any of these three specific eating disorders. In that case, they might be diagnosed with an “other specified feeding or eating disorder” (OSFED). This is very common. OSFED accounts for the highest percentage of eating disorders, and anyone of any age, gender, ethnicity or background can experience it. It is every bit as serious as anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder, and can develop from or into another diagnosis. People suffering from OSFED need and deserve treatment just as much as anyone else with an eating disorder. Read more Rumination disorder Rumination disorder is an illness that involves repetitive, habitual bringing up of food that might be partly digested. It often occurs effortlessly and painlessly, and is not associated with nausea or disgust. Rumination disorder can affect anyone at any age. Vomiting in rumination disorder is different to the kind of sickness you might get with a stomach bug, for example – the person won’t appear to feel sick or experience involuntary retching. The person may re-chew and re-swallow the food or just spit it out. People with rumination disorder often do not feel in control of their disorder. Read more ARFID Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, more commonly known as ARFID, is a condition characterised by the person avoiding certain foods or types of food, having restricted intake in terms of overall amount eaten, or both. Someone might be avoiding and/or restricting their intake for a number of different reasons. Read more Binge eating disorder Binge eating disorder (BED) is a serious mental illness where people eat very large quantities of food without feeling like they’re in control of what they’re doing. It can affect anyone of any age, gender, ethnicity or background, and evidence suggests it is more common than other eating disorders. Read more Orthorexia refers to an unhealthy obsession with eating “pure” food. Food considered “pure” or “impure” can vary from person to person. This doesn’t mean that anyone who subscribes to a healthy eating plan or diet is suffering from orthorexia. As with other eating disorders, the eating behaviour involved – “healthy” or “clean” eating in this case – is used to cope with negative thoughts and feelings, or to feel in control. Someone using food in this way might feel extremely anxious or guilty if they eat food they feel is unhealthy Orthorexia Read more PICA Pica is a feeding disorder in which someone eats non-food substances that have no nutritional value, such as paper, soap, paint, chalk, or ice. For a diagnosis of pica, the behaviour must be present for at least one month, not part of a cultural practice, and developmentally inappropriate – generally, it’s not diagnosed in children under the age of two, as it is common for babies to “mouth” objects, which can lead to them accidentally eating substances that aren’t meant to be eaten. Often, pica is not revealed until medical consequences occur, such as metal toxicity, cracked teeth, or infections Read more Anyone of any age, gender, background etc can suffer from an eating disorder. You don't need to be underweight to have an eating disorder. Your thoughts and feelings are valid and its important to get help. ​ A person can develop an eating disorder for any number of reasons, and there is usually an accumulation of ‘risk factors’ which are identified as the person progresses through treatment. It is not always the case that something significantly traumatic has happened in a person’s life that has caused the eating disorder, although sometimes this can be the case. More often than not, there are many factors that for some reason interact in a particular way for that particular person, triggering them to engage in disordered eating behaviours, which in turn triggers their thinking to become distorted and results in the person becoming increasingly ‘imprisoned’ by the eating disorder. - Bodywhys ​ ​ ​ BEAT Eating disorders can take up someone's life and they might feel horrible about themselves. Try to be patient if you know someone who is struggling and listen. Beateatingdisorder UK is a brilliant charity in the UK and they have a lot of information and resources. Body whys Ireland is also a great Charity for eating disorders in Ireland. Bodywhys If you or someone else is in crisis or having a medical emergency, go to your nearest hospital or call your countrys emergency number. 999, 911, 112,000 Resources and helplines

  • Contact | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Kontaktiere mich Irland The Hope Project is here to provide support to those struggling with mental health issues. We are available to listen to anyone. For those who want to vent, talk about anything, write about their day or anything else, they can message us and we'll be there to listen. We understand how hard it can be to talk about mental health issues, and we are here for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Name Email Thema Nachricht Einreichen

  • Mental Health | Thehopeproject

    Welcome to HOPE HOPE - Hold On, Pain Ends About Us Not all Storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.... Quote of the month Information Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Self Harm Panic Attacks Suicidal thoughts Your Stories "I've been suffering from mental health issues for about 3 years and been struggling with self harm & suicidal thoughts for most of that time. one day last year i had just had enough and i’d completely given up & lost hope that anything would get better, that night i made an attempt on my life which then landed me in hospital requiring treatment. for anyone considering taking their lives please give life another shot, i know things are unimaginably tough for you right now but things can improve with time and the right help. you matter, you’re strong and the world is a better place with you in it. keep fighting <3" Read More

  • Your story's | THE HOPE PROJECT

    Your stories Welcome, this part of the hope project is called "your stories". Here you can submit your own story anonymously and if you choose it will be posted here. You can write about anything from your mental health struggles and feelings, bullying, school stress, something traumatic that happened to you etc. This is a way to talk about something that you are too scared to tell anyone. You can also read other peoples story's because maybe you will relate and wont feel so alone. Whatever your story is we are here to listen and it matters. Please press the link to be taken to where you can submit your story. Mehr sehen Ich leide seit ungefähr 3 Jahren an psychischen Problemen und kämpfe die meiste Zeit mit Selbstverletzung und Selbstmordgedanken. An einem Tag im letzten Jahr hatte ich gerade genug und ich hatte völlig aufgegeben und die Hoffnung verloren, dass irgendetwas besser werden würde, in dieser Nacht unternahm ich einen Anschlag auf mein Leben, der mich dann ins Krankenhaus brachte und behandelt werden musste. Für jeden, der darüber nachdenkt, sich das Leben zu nehmen, geben Sie dem Leben bitte eine weitere Chance. Ich weiß, dass die Dinge im Moment unvorstellbar schwer für Sie sind, aber die Dinge können sich mit der Zeit und der richtigen Hilfe verbessern. Du bist wichtig, du bist stark und die Welt ist ein besserer Ort mit dir. kämpfe weiter <3 Ich habe jahrelang mit psychischer Gesundheit gekämpft, es war das Schwierigste, was ich durchmachen musste, weil ich mich so allein fühlte, selbst wenn Leute versuchten, mir zu helfen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich mich im letzten Jahr komplett verloren habe und ich bin die ganze Zeit depressiv und ängstlich. Oder ich fühle mich einfach taub und das ist noch schlimmer. Ich hatte viele Suizidversuche und wurde auch ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Ich habe Unterstützung von meiner Familie und meinen Freunden und so sehr sie sich auch bemühen, sie können nicht helfen. Meine Selbstmordgedanken wurden so viel stärker und jeden Tag weiterzumachen fühlt sich an, als würde ich einen Marathon laufen. Es wird immer besser, es ist nur schwer. Ich weiß, dass ich eines Tages glücklich sein werde, es ist nur so schwer, darauf zu warten. Wenn Sie Probleme haben, sind Sie nicht allein, fliegen Sie weiter xxx Anchor 1 Hallo, das ist meine Geschichte. Als Kind fiel es mir schwer, erwachsen zu werden, mir wurde gesagt, dass ich viele Dinge nicht tun könnte, und sie glaubten nicht, dass ich es jemals könnte. Ich habe Spina bifida. Spina bifida ist eine Diagnose, die von Ärzten gestellt wird, während Sie im Mutterleib sind oder sobald Sie geboren wurden, oder so sagten sie, als ich ein Kind war, aber jetzt können Sie sie später im Leben diagnostizieren. Ich wurde diagnostiziert, als ich zwei Jahre alt wurde, sie sagten meiner Mutter immer wieder, dass mit mir alles in Ordnung sei, aber es war so. Es war hart, in der Öffentlichkeit beurteilt zu werden, in der Schule gemobbt zu werden und völlig anders behandelt zu werden, und es ist nicht fair. Die Leute schätzen mich glücklich, weil es andere Leute gibt, die es viel schlimmer haben als ich, und das weiß ich. Ich werde im Vergleich zu ihnen als glücklich angesehen, weil ich laufen kann, mein Leben leben kann und dafür bin ich großartig. Wir sollten nicht anders behandelt werden. Da ich noch in der Sekundarschule bin, ist der Kampf noch nicht vorbei, aber du musst weitermachen. Ich werde das Gold unter dem Regenbogen erreichen 🌈 Das ist meine Geschichte In den letzten 3 oder 4 Jahren habe ich mich mit schlechter psychischer Gesundheit befasst, ich bin zu verschiedenen Organisationen zur Therapie gegangen. Ich kämpfte mit Selbstmordgedanken und würde in Betracht ziehen, täglich darauf zu reagieren. Ich verletzte mich selbst und es gab Tage, an denen ich nichts anderes tun wollte, als im Bett zu bleiben, weg von der Welt. Aber nach einer Weile der Therapie, als ich verstand, wie ich mich fühlte, ging es mir besser. Risse können nicht vollständig heilen, aber ich weiß, dass ich viel glücklicher bin als zuvor, weil ich gehofft und hart gearbeitet habe, um dort zu sein, wo ich heute bin. Es gibt Licht am Ende eines Tunnels und sobald du erkennst, dass du nicht allein bist, ist das dein erster Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Ich habe 7 Mal versucht, meinem Leben ein Ende zu setzen, das letzte Mal war ich lange im Krankenhaus. Ich denke immer noch darüber nach, es noch einmal zu tun, aber dann erinnere ich mich an all die Menschen, die ich zurücklassen würde, und ich kann ihnen das nicht antun. Die Leute sagen, es wird besser werden, aber ich weiß, dass es viel Zeit brauchen wird, um dorthin zu gelangen, aber ich weiß, dass ich das schaffen kann. DU HAST DAS, ICH GLAUBE AN DICH! Ich habe seit meinem 12. Lebensjahr mit meiner psychischen Gesundheit zu kämpfen, ich bin jetzt fast 30 und habe eine Liste mit Diagnosen. Im Moment ist jede Sekunde eines jeden Tages ein Kampf. aber ich weiß, dass ich 18 Jahre davon überlebt habe, also jetzt aufzugeben, würde all das wegwerfen. Ich will nur, dass es besser wird. Ich bin es leid zu kämpfen. Ich hatte Phasen des Glücks, also weiß ich, dass das eines Tages zurückkommen wird, aber es ist so schwer, sich darauf zu konzentrieren, wenn die Dinge so dunkel werden. Meine Geschichte begann, als ich 10 Jahre alt war, als ich von einem Freund meines Bruders sexuell missbraucht wurde. Es passierte bei mehreren Gelegenheiten und traf mich nicht wirklich, bis ich 14 oder 15 war. Ich begann auch wirklich ängstlich und nervös zu werden als unter depressiven Episoden leidend. Während dieser Zeit begann ich, mich selbst zu verletzen, um damit fertig zu werden. Als ich 16 Jahre alt war, fing ich an, Selbstmordgedanken zu haben, die mich ständig beschäftigten. Ich bin derzeit 17 und kämpfe immer noch mit meinem Verstand, Selbstmordgedanken und dem Gedanken an einen Rückfall. Ich hoffe an alle, die dies lesen, dass es Ihnen gut geht und Sie stark bleiben. du bist so wertvoll. du bist so würdig. und ich liebe dich so sehr, das ist meine Geschichte x I recently lost my uncle to cancer and it fully destroyed me, i ended up shutting myself away and turning to self harm as i couldn't even start to explain the feelings in me. But there is always a light at the end of the tunnel even when its beyond hard to find, but throughout it ive learnt theres always going to be someone there to help you and get you back on the right track x "I’ve been struggling my whole life with my mental health I grew up with drug addicted parents and the trauma and pain from that really broke me I found one of my parents almost dead one day but I never really understood half of it tell I got older it only got worse when I started secondary school I spiralled into a bad depression I started self harming and developing my own mental issues on top of the trauma I grew up with the pain I felt inside broke me racing sad thoughts 24 hours of the day and I jsut couldn’t think about anything else I tried loads of things to help me but nothing stopped I had restless nights and a chest filled with axienty all the times I was sent to camhs and told them all of my story and I was told I was looking for attention at that point I felt so alone that I was nearing a attempt on my life i tried peita house they where good but it Only helped for a few hours to share my story but it dint change anything for me I was so tired of it all I left school stopped doing the things I loved and I felt so bad because most of the pain I was feeling was projected onto others with anger and I just wanted to scream my pain out but I jsut couldn’t in fear of being judged every day was a loop i simply thought nobody would care and when I came home every day or night I had nobody to turn to because my parents would be on drugs or asleep because they where taking drugs the night before. I grew up so quick because of all this I still struggle to this day but I’m getting better now the scars I have are just battle scars and it reminds me everyday that I’m strong because look what I got myself through makes me feel so proud of myself because I’ve been through the unthinkable sad life and I somehow pulled through -HOLD ON PAIN ENDS" Your Stories Do you want your story submitted anonymously on the page. Choose an Issue Write Your story here Send Thank you, You are very brave.

  • OCD | The Hope Project

    OCD Obsessive. Compulsive. Disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts ("obsessions") and/or behaviours ("compulsions") that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over. People with OCD may have symptoms of obsessions, compulsions, or both. These symptoms can interfere with all aspects of life, such as work, school, and personal relationships. Obsessions are repeated thoughts, urges, or mental images that cause anxiety. Common symptoms include: Fear of germs or contamination Unwanted forbidden or taboo thoughts involving sex, religion, or harm Aggressive thoughts towards others or self Having things symmetrical or in a perfect order Compulsions are repetitive behaviours that a person with OCD feels the urge to do in response to an obsessive thought. Common compulsions include: Excessive cleaning and/or handwashing Ordering and arranging things in a particular, precise way Repeatedly checking on things, such as repeatedly checking to see if the door is locked or that the oven is off Compulsive counting Not all rituals or habits are compulsions. Everyone double checks things sometimes. But a person with OCD generally: Can't control his or her thoughts or behaviours, even when those thoughts or behaviours are recognized as excessive Spends at least 1 hour a day on these thoughts or behaviours Doesn’t get pleasure when performing the behaviours or rituals, but may feel brief relief from the anxiety the thoughts cause Experiences significant problems in their daily life due to these thoughts or behaviours Some individuals with OCD also have a tic disorder. Motor tics are sudden, brief, repetitive movements, such as eye blinking and other eye movements, facial grimacing, shoulder shrugging, and head or shoulder jerking. Common vocal tics include repetitive throat-clearing, sniffing, or grunting sounds. Symptoms may come and go, ease over time, or worsen. People with OCD may try to help themselves by avoiding situations that trigger their obsessions, or they may use alcohol or drugs to calm themselves. Although most adults with OCD recognize that what they are doing doesn’t make sense, some adults and most children may not realize that their behaviour is out of the ordinary. Parents or teachers typically recognize OCD symptoms in children. If you think you have OCD, talk to your health care provider about your symptoms. If left untreated, OCD can interfere in all aspects of life. ​ Some common obsessions include: intense worry about catching a disease or infection thinking about having to do things in a certain order or number of times to feel safe and reduce anxiety fear of acting inappropriately fear of harming others or yourself, even though you may have no intention to do so You may have unwanted sexual thoughts or images that you fear you may act on. While these thoughts can be distressing, it does not mean you will act on them. ​ Getting help Get help if you think you have OCD and it's having a neg ative impact on your life. If you think a friend has OCD, find out if their thoughts or behaviours are causing problems for them. For example, in their daily routines and quality of life. OCD is unlikely to get better on its own. Treatment and support can help you manage your symptoms. To get help, talk to your GP. They can refer you to local psychological support services. ​ Tips for dealing with OCD selfcare for OCD 7 strategies to deal with OCD OCD in Children Paediatric OCD Helping a child with OCD ​ ​ Information used on this page is gathered from. ​ ​ ​ Support Ireland Resources and helplines

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  • Supporting others | The Hope Project

    Supporting others Life can be tough for everyone, especially for those dealing with mental health problems. This page is here to show you how to help someone who might be having a hard time, whether they're a friend, family, someone from school, or even a stranger. Sometimes, saying or doing the right thing can make a big difference. What are the signs that someone is struggling? Sometimes there is small signs that someone is struggling but other times there may be something that they could say or do that will set off alarm bells. Its important to be informed on what to look out for. Changes in Behavior: Look for significant changes in their behavior, such as social withdrawal, increased irritability, mood swings, or unexplained agitation. Emotional Distress: Frequent and intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, or anger that seem overwhelming. Changes in Sleep Patterns: Insomnia or excessive sleeping can be indicators of mental health issues. Appetite and Weight Changes: A noticeable increase or decrease in appetite and weight can be signs of emotional distress. Difficulty Concentrating: Struggling to focus, make decisions, or remember things can be a sign of mental health challenges. Lack of Interest: Losing interest in activities they used to enjoy, such as hobbies, work, or socializing. Physical Symptoms: Unexplained physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or fatigue may be related to mental health. Neglecting Personal Care: A significant decline in personal hygiene or self-care. Substance Abuse: An increase in alcohol or drug use as a coping mechanism. Isolation: Avoiding social interactions or cutting off contact with friends and family. Extreme Mood Swings: Severe and sudden shifts in mood that are not typical for the person. Expressions of Hopelessness: Statements or behaviors that suggest they feel trapped, worthless, or that life isn't worth living. How to help someone that is struggling. This is a paragraph. Use this area to add any information you want to share with users. Just click "Edit Text" or double click here to change the text and make it your own. You can also adjust the paragraph's font, size and color so it fits your website’s theme. ​ This is a great place to tell users a story about your website and let them know more about what you offer. You may want to share information about your company's background, your team, or the services you provide. Be sure to keep the tone and voice consistent throughout the site so users become familiar with your brand. Contact I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect. 123-456-7890

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